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Embryos for Home Intelligence using Raspberry Pi with Linux, Docker & .NET Core.


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Home Intelligence with Raspberry Pi

Embryos for Home Intelligence using Raspberry Pi with Linux, Docker & .NET Core.

This project develops microservices based on API First Design, targeting Raspberry Pi with Linux. In order to speed up IoT initiatives, the IoT starter evolves a customizable, ready to run, Thing device. A comprehensive path is provided by following episodes:

  1. IoT.Starter.Pi.Core: At this project targeted to Raspberry Pi with Linux, the API First Design strategy is used to develop an ASP.NET Core Web Server automatically generated by SwaggerHub.

  2. IoT.Starter.Pi.Thing: IoT Starter Pi Thing includes the basic stuff to be included in any Thing, which means future projects are expected to start from here.

  3. IoT.Starter.Pi.Lirc: This mission provides infrared (IR) output capability to IoT.Starter.Pi.Thing.

  4. IoT.Starter.Pi.Lumi: At this complement of the third part, the API and corresponding web service is extended to consider IR remotes and their respective codes.

  5. IoT.Starter.Pi.Compose: At Raspberry Pi side, running each container separately is still somewhat time consuming. Taking Thing a step further, docker-composer up is used to load images, create containers & relationships, and run them all.

After each change on the API, SwaggerHub automatically generates updated code for home-web with corresponding web service. The Thing has also home-ui and nginx-proxy images, handling respectively user interface and SSL security. They all run in separate docker containers, cooperating and sharing common resources with a host powered by Raspberry Pi with Linux & .NET Core.

The solution builds fast and efficiently at a speedy x64 machine equipped with Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2017. The docker-compose build command follows the steps from each dockerfile, generating the images below that are finally pushed to DockerHub registry:

At Raspberry Pi, running each container manually is somewhat time consuming. Taking IoT.Starter.Pi.Thing a step further with docker-composer up command, the same docker-compose.yml file, used at build phase by x64 machine, is reused to load images, create containers, establish their relationships, and run them all. This time at Raspberry Pi side.

The code will keep evolving IoT.Starter.Pi.Thing embryos powered by open API First Design and IoT starter concepts.


IoT starter Thing Thing-IR
useful for all IoT projects infrared (IR) IoT projects
description embryo for IoT IR embryo for IoT, powered by Lirc
SSL proxy nginx-proxy nginx-proxy
user interface home-ui home-ui
web service home-web home-web-ir

Memory available

After all three containers running at Raspberry Pi 2 model B with Linux, the free -h command below detects more than 400 Mbytes free memory. By definition of IoT Starter concept, IoT.Starter.Pi.Thing comes with just basic stuff, ready to start the development of your IoT initiative. Then, 411 Mbytes is the RAM amount available for home-web and home-ui growth.

pi@lumi:~ $ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                          NAMES
ae97ff490db3        josemottalopes/home-web-ir   "dotnet IO.Swagger.d�"   18 hours ago        Up 18 hours>5010/tcp         home-web-ir
d4c58be28387        josemottalopes/nginx-proxy   "nginx -g 'daemon of�"   18 hours ago        Up 18 hours         80/tcp,>443/tcp   ssl-proxy
00fc3028480f        josemottalopes/home-ui       "dotnet Home.UI.dll"     18 hours ago        Up 18 hours>80/tcp             home-ui

pi@lumi:~ $ free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           927M        179M        411M         58M        335M        639M
Swap:           99M          0B         99M

As shown by df -h command, the 15 GB disk mounted at Raspberry Pi 2 model B with Linux still has 10 GB free space.

pi@lumi:~ $ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        15G  4.1G  9.5G  30% /
devtmpfs        460M     0  460M   0% /dev
tmpfs           464M     0  464M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           464M   13M  452M   3% /run
tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs           464M     0  464M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1   42M   21M   21M  51% /boot
tmpfs            93M     0   93M   0% /run/user/1000

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