All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fix: display git branch of the current symlinked plugin
- Your plugin's home URL path will now display as a tilde for improved readability.
- Added a quick view of symlinked plugins and the current branch they are on in the WordPress Admin Toolbar.
- Added support for the network plugins screen in a WordPress multisite.
- Registered new field,
, with WPGraphQL
query NewQuery {
symlinkedPlugins {
"data": {
"symlinkedPlugins": [
"name": "Advanced Custom Fields PRO",
"version": "6.2.0",
"currentBranch": "develop",
"symlinkPath": "~/Code/acf/src/advanced-custom-fields-pro"
"name": "Faust.js™",
"version": "1.0.3",
"currentBranch": "MERL-1205-refactor-custom-preview",
"symlinkPath": "~/Code/faustjs/plugins/faustwp"
"name": "Symlinked Plugin Branch",
"version": "1.1.0",
"currentBranch": "refactor",
"symlinkPath": "~/Code/symlinked-plugin-branch"
"name": "WPGraphQL",
"version": "1.16.0",
"currentBranch": "develop",
"symlinkPath": "~/Code/wp-graphql"
- Symlinked Branch column now shows the path to the symlinked plugin.
- Fresh styles to help with visually scanning the plugins screen while developing.