MySQL and JavaFX Travel Journal Application (Best viewed in raw text)
CS 4400 - Group 6 - Phase 4 Submission Anthony Candelmo, Joseph Masson, Lorenzo Gastaldi, Isaac Moran, Suraj Shekar
Instructions to run the travel journal.
STEP 1 In MySQL Workbench: Create a new connection named 'traveljournal' Create a new schema named 'traveljournal' and set it as the default Open and run CREATE_STATEMENTS.sql and INSERT_STATEMENTS.sql
STEP 2 In Explorer: Extract all files from
STEP 3 In Intellij IDEA: Close your current project with File -> Close Project Select 'New Project' Select 'JavaFX' from the sidebar Ensure the language is set to 'Java' and the Build system is 'Maven' It is also best if the location is easily accessible and near where the .zip was extracted to. Select 'Next' Select 'Create' Right click on the top-most folder, select Open In -> Explorer Open the folder, select all files, and delete them Past all extracted files into the now-empty folder and give IntelliJ some time to index them
STEP 4 Open CS400-Travel-Journal-- -> Travel Journal -> src -> main -> java -> com.example.traveljournal Open the file named Connector Change the field String dbPass on line 11 to your MySQL root password
In the com.example.traveljournal folder, open the file named Start This will be the file you run to execute the program
STEP 5 In the top menu, open File -> Project Structure -> Libraries On the top, you will see a '+' icon Press and select 'From Maven...' In the text field, type 'controlsfx' and press enter The bar will glow red, wait a few seconds and press the drop-down arrow to the right Select 'com.github.martinkoster:actionfx-controlsfx:1.6.0' Press 'OK' Press 'OK'
STEP 6 Remain in the 'Libraries' menu Press '+' and select Java Open the folder the files and Intellij project are open in and open the CS400-Travel-Journal-- folder Select the file named 'charm-glisten-6.1.0.jar' Press 'OK' Press 'OK'
STEP 7 At the bottom of the Libraries menu, press 'Apply', then 'OK' Run
Congratulations! The app should be successfully installed and runnable from!