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React Development Guidelines

Sahil Bhatia edited this page May 16, 2020 · 12 revisions

A guide for developers working with React

Initial Configuration

Add-on packages (for medium-large projects)



State Management





Development Guidelines


  • Do NOT ignore warning and errors in terminal or browser console

  • DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself

  • ONLY use functional components (i.e. no classes)

  • Prefer ES6 syntaxes

  • Use fetch, async await - for API calls

  • Always add new module to package.json (using yarn add <package-name>)

  • Before adding a new package, check if it's already installed

  • Don't use both yarn.lock and package-json.lock in the same project

  • Add all environment variables to .env.local file with REACTAPP prefix

  • Add comments (wherever required) to explain logic

  • Never assign a value directly to export

Naming Conventions

  • Use kebab-case (hyphen separated lowercase words) for naming folders
  • Match your component-related files with the component name (use PascalCase - first letter of each word capitalized, no spacing between words)

React Specific

  • Don't manipulate the DOM directly
  • DOM should NOT be source of data
  • Components should be loosely coupled
  • Avoid use of ref
  • Think - the React way
    • Step 1: Break The UI Into A Component Hierarchy
    • Step 2: Build A Static Version in React
    • Step 3: Identify The Minimal (but complete) Representation Of UI State
    • Step 4: Identify Where Your State Should Live
    • Step 5: Add Inverse Data Flow
  • Every component should follow “single responsibility principle”
  • Every component should be self-sufficient, reusable
    • Own DOM
    • Own Styles (use styled-components)
    • No hard-coding of values
    • No hard-coded height/width/margin/padding
  • Follow composition pattern (not inheritance)
  • Create pure, stateless, functional (presentation/dumb) components
  • Every component should have:
  • Render “array” of components instead of “loop” (“loop” should not be part of the render method’s “return” block)
  • Always create wrappers over third party components
  • Import packages in following sequence:
    • core/important imports from third party modules
    • other third party imports
    • leave an empty line
    • import custom modules
    • leave an empty line
    • import CSS modules (from third-party libraries)

Directory Structure

  • package.json
  • yarn.lock
  • public/
    • favicon.ico
    • manifest.json
    • robots.txt
    • index.html
  • src/
    • assets/
      • images/
      • fonts/
      • svgs
    • containers/
      • A folder per route. This contains components to be rendered matching given route. Usually containers.
    • components/
      • core/
        • these components should be pure functions and should not have any project specific logic
      • shared/ // project specific re-usable components. Example:
        • User/
          • User.js
          • User.test.js
      • layout/
    • actionConstants/ // simple constatnt declarations for action names
    • actions/ // functions that returns action object (passed to dispatch)
    • sagas/ // middleware for Redux - handles side-effects
    • apis/ // services for making API calls
    • reducers/ // entities that manipulate the store
    • selectors/ // re-select files - used for memoization
    • hooks/
      • Custom hooks (if any)
    • helpers/
      • Shared functions (which may not be pure functions)
    • utils/
      • Shared functions (MUST BE pure functions)

Learning Resources

Plain JavaScript

React Specific

ThirdParty Tutorials

Securing your webapp

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