Frogger Arcade is a variation of the classic Frogger arcade game.
In this game the goal is simple, get the hero character to move across the gray bricks towards the water without getting hit by the enemy bugs. The user's score increases by one point for each level passed and decrease if collide with enemies. The number of enemy bugs also increase with each level and are randomly placed across the gray bricks at the start of each game.
Users move the hero character by using the main up/right/left/down arrow keys on their keyboard. You can pause the game with the "space" and change the player with "enter" keyboard;
To run the application:
- Download the GitHub zip file or clone the repository onto your local workstation:
- Open a browser window and navigate to the index.html file in your application's directory.
- Object-Oriented JavaScript
- constructor functions to create multiple Enemy instances
- prototypal inheritance
- HTML5 Canvas API
- resource loading via immediately-invoked function expressions (IIFE)!/rubrics/15/view "Frogger Arcade Game Project Requirements"