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258 lines (205 loc) · 9.14 KB

File metadata and controls

258 lines (205 loc) · 9.14 KB

This is a FORK of


  • New commands LockProjectDirectory and UnlockProjectDirectory to lock and unlock, respectively, the current working directory
  • New command GoProject to select a project from the cmdline mode
  • New options project_enable_tab_title_gui and project_enable_win_title
  • Add support for tabline; new option project_enable_tab_title_term
  • New command CallbackAllProjects to add a callback to all defined projects.
  • New commands TabWelcome and TabProject
  • New entity type 'section'; new commands Section and CallbackAllSections
  • Add support for wildcards in project paths
  • Pass additional argument to callbacks indicating whether this is a 'leaf' project (has no further subprojects)
  • In Welcome buffer, break long lines with indent

Changes are licensed under the same terms as the original

New Commands:

  • CallbackAllProjects It's used inside the .vimrc. The first parameter is the name of a function or an array of function names. This callback is added to all projects that have been defined so far.

  • CallbackAllSections It's used inside the .vimrc. The first parameter is the name of a function or an array of function names. This callback is added to all sections that have been defined so far.

  • GoProject It's used inside the cmdline mode to switch to one of the defined projects. The required parameter is the title of the project without quotation. Completion is supported.

  • LockProjectDirectory Lock the project's current working directory so opening a file from the project doesn't reset the window's current working directory to the project directory.

  • Section It's used inside the .vimrc. Similar to Project, except that lcd is executed only when the section is selected from the Welcome menu or with GoProject or TabProject. The lcd is not changed when opening a file in the section.

  • TabProject is like GoProject, but opens the project in a new tab.

  • TabWelcome is like Welcome, but opens in a new tab.

  • UnlockProjectDirectory Undo the effects of LockProjectDirectory

New Options:

  • project_enable_tab_title_gui: show project name in tab title (values: 0, 1; default: 1). When set to 1, the project to which the file belongs is shown in the tab's title in GUI vim.

  • project_enable_tab_title_term: show project name in tab title (values: 0, 1; default: 0). When set to 1, the project to which the file belongs is shown in the tab's title in terminal vim.

  • project_enable_win_title: show current working directory in window title (values: 0, 1; default: 1). When set to 1, the current working directory is shown in the window's title bar in GUI vim.


Original README



A Project is made of :

  • One directory (the root of the project)
  • One title (by default the last part of the the root of the project)
  • One or more callbacks

Everytime you open a file nested in the root of the project

  • the local current directory is changed to the root of the project
  • the guitablabel is set to the title of the project
  • the callbacks of the project are executed



There are four commands :

  • Project It's used inside the .vimrc. The first parameter is the path to the project. The second parameter is optional and it is the title of the project and the default value of it is the last part of the name of the directory containing the project. If the path to the project is a relative path, it's combined with the starting path. The starting path is defined when you initialize the plugin :
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vim-project/
" custom starting path
call project#rc("~/Code")
" default starting path (the home directory)
call project#rc()
  • ProjectPath It's used inside the cmdline mode. The first parameter is the path without quotation. The second parameter is optional and it is the title of the project without quotation. If the path to the project is a relative path, it's combined with current working directory and not with the starting path.
  • File It's used inside the .vimrc. The first parameter is the path to the file. The second parameter is the title of the file. This command doesn't change the local current directory.
  • Callback It's used inside the .vimrc. The first parameter is the title of a project already defined with Project or File. The second parameter is the name a function or an array of function names. This function or these functions are callbacks and they are executed everytime a file nested in the root of the project is opened with one parameter that is the title of the project.
  • Welcome It's the Startify equivalent. If you don't want Welcome to appear when you start vim:
" before call project#rc()
let g:project_enable_welcome = 0
" if you want the NERDTree integration.
let g:project_use_nerdtree = 1

set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vim-project/
call project#rc("~/Code")



The command Callback accepts a string (the name of the function). The function project#config#callback accepts string or dictionary. If it's a dictionary, the method invoke(title) is called on the dictionary.

" For more information on dictionary and prototype programming in vim :
:h self

The function project#utils#alternate can be used together with project#config#callback. It returns a dictionary. This dictionary has the method invoke(title) that creates <buffer> commands to switch to the alternate files like the plugin vim-rake.

" :A :AE :AS :AV :AT :AD :AR . They all accept the bang (!)
" Remembet that the title of the project is only the last dir of the path
Project  ''

" project#utils#alternate returns a dictionary with a method ``invoke(title)``.
" everytime we open a file inside the project if the path starts with
" ``spec`` or ``src`` the commands :A are defined.
" +_spec means add _spec to the file
" -_spec means remove _spec to the file
call project#config#callback("nuggad-compiler", project#utils#alternate(
  \  [{'regex': '^src', 'string': 'spec', 'suffix': '+_spec'},
  \   {'regex': '^spec', 'string': 'src', 'suffix': '-_spec'}]
  \  ))


If you use Vundle you can install this plugin using Vim command :BundleInstall amiorin/vim-project. Don't forget put a line Bundle 'amiorin/vim-project' in your .vimrc.

If you use Pathogen, you just execute following:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

If you don't use either plugin management system, copy the plugin directory to your .vim directory.

*nix: $HOME/.vim Windows: $HOME/vimfiles


sample .vimrc:

let g:project_use_nerdtree = 1
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vim-project/
call project#rc("~/Code")

Project  'scratch'

Project  'dotfiles'
File     'dotfiles/vimrc'                       , 'vimrc'
File     'dotfiles/gvimrc'                      , 'gvimrc'
File     'dotfiles/zshrc'                       , 'zshrc'

Project  'gollum'
File     'gollum/'                       , 'todo'
Callback 'gollum'                               , 'RemoveTextWidth'

function! RemoveTextWidth(...) abort
  setlocal textwidth=0

Project  'octopress'
Project  'gsource'
Project  'markup'
Project  'glib'
Project  'reloadlive'
Project  'flashcards'
Project  'leitner'
Callback 'leitner'                              , ['AddSpecToPath', 'RemoveTextWidth']

function! AddSpecToPath(tile) abort
  setlocal path+=spec

Project  '~/.vim/bundle/vim-fenced-code-blocks' , 'fenced'
Project  '~/.vim/bundle/vim-project'            , 'project'
Project  '~/.vim/bundle/vim-bookmarks'          , 'bookmarks'
Project  '~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim'              , 'ctrlp'
Project  '~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp-z'                , 'ctrlp-z'
Project  '~/.vim/bundle/vim-eval'               , 'eval'


From the cmdline mode.

ProjectPath uses the cwd and the arguments are not quoted.

:ProjectPath .
:ProjectPath /etc myconfig


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