One way to setup a feature flag or toggle is to create an environment variable
And then call it like this
var url: String = {
if ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["MOCK_API"] == "YES" {
return "http://localhost:8000/orderDetails/"
return "https://prod/orderDetails"
Environment variable only work on the simulator and locally connected devices. To create a feature flag that will work into production we need a compile time flag.
Compile time flags are setup up in configuration files (xcconfig) or as a Swift Compiler - Custom Flag
Target > Build Settings then search for 'Swift Compiler - Custom'.
Here you set a flag on the Active Compilation Condition
for each of your targets by double clicking the row (i.e. Debug) and where is says <Multiple Values>
you add your new flag (i.e. FOO
You can then access the flag at runtime like this
func isFeatureAvailable() -> Bool {
#if FOO
return false
return true
Note: In older versions of Xcode and projects you will still see the old Other Swift Flags
section. Where here you add a compile time flag per line. Also, these properties often are read in from configuration files (.xcconfig
And then still access the same way
return URL(string: "https://mock")
return URL(string: "https://prod")