All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v1.0.0 - Aztekium, 05-05-2024
- Added PA filters to keep peaks at less or more than 10 or 100 kilobases (lt10kb, lt100kb, mt10kb, mt100kb). #22, 021de6f
- Added PA filters to keep peaks at less than arbitrary defined cutoffs (ltXkb, mtYkb), with cutoffs defined with the new parameters custom_distance__less_than_X_b and custom_distance__more_than_Y_b. #22, 021de6f
- Fixed a small typo that was making the previous release (0.9.0) crash during the DA_ATAC__saving_detailed_results_tables process. #21, 5ac9710, 827df11
- Removed the PA filters: 3kb, 8kb, and 30kb. #22
v0.9.0 - Gymnocalycium, 22-04-2024
- Added a tutorial section in the documentation and an associated script. #20
- Added figures for the manuscript: genome track plots, examples of figures and tables from the worm test dataset. #20
- Added Peak Annotation filters to keep only peaks at less than 3, 8 or 30 kilobases to their closest gene. #20, 8ab3377
- Added ChIPseeker options to ignore upstream or downstream of peak for closest gene annotation. #20, 7f797f8
- Added quickstart scripts. #19
- Fixing a typo which prevented bigWig files from being saved. #20, 250afb6
v0.8.6 - Pygmaeocereus, 30-11-2023
- Added the code for the case study. #18
v0.8.5 - Harrisia, 28-11-2023
- Changed the code to make Cactus work with the latest versions of Singularity, Docker, conda and Mamba. c875799
- Changed the documentation of the Quickstart and dependencies. 567e048 f8b2027
- Changed the documentation of the new containers. e89cb32
- Changed the Nextflow version manifest to give an error message if a wrong version is used. 51981f3
- Fixed the conda and mamba bugs from the previous release by creating new mulled containers. c875799 6cfcf16
- Fixed bugs to run the and the scripts with Docker. 716adc2 c947936
- Upgraded dependencies: Docker 24.0.5, build 24.0.5-0ubuntu1~20.04., conda: 23.7.4, Mamba: 1.4.2. 567e048
v0.8.4 - Matucana, 09-06-2023
- Changed the code to make Cactus work with the latest versions of Nextflow, Singularity and Docker. ce2b6dd
- Changed the documentation to clarify the dependencies. 0f45173
- Changed the and the to add a link to Cactus preprint. 0e7b6ba
- Fixed a bug happening in conda/Mamba when users have a .Renviron or a .Rprofile file. a188dbb
- Fixed a bug with conda/Mamba for merging pdf. a188dbb
- Deprecated the use of conda and Mamba temporarily until a bug in conda is resolved. 0f45173
v0.8.3 - Espostoopsis, 15-05-2023
- Fixed a bug in the heatmap process that made the fly test dataset fail. #11
v0.8.2 - Mammilloydia, 12-05-2023
- Added options to keep unique DA and NDA genes or not in the splitting process. #6
- Changed the docs. #5
- Fixed a bug in the script to download test datasets and references. #8
v0.8.1 - Cephalocereus, 19-04-2023
- Added a functionality to manually set the size of the numbers indicating the overlap in the cells for the heatmap figures. bf0f8aa
Changed the docs to match with latest version of manuscript in preparation. bc11d3a, ac0eafa, f273951, cf934e2, 285d579, f04cd11, f68018b, 37ad16c
Changed labels in the heatmap to improve clarity. 1fd6d20
Fixed bugs in the heatmap process. eb3de68
Fixed a bug with the plot_FDR_by_PA_filters function. 4e5cafc
v0.8.0 - Lophophora, 30-12-2022
First release.