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Datalevin Query Engine

Datalevin has an innovative query engine that handles complex Datalog queries on large data sets with ease.


One of the main reasons for people to use Datomic flavored Datalog stores is to use their declarative and composible query language. In the era of generative AI, this query language is also found to be an ideal target language for natural language query translation.

The simple and elegant query language is often backed by a flexible triple store. However, it is a well-know problem that querying a triple store is much slower than querying RDBMS that stores data in rows (or columns). [1]

Datalevin solves the problem by developing an advanced query engine based on the latest research findings and some innovations of our own. We leverage some unique properties of Datomic-like triple stores to achieve the goal of bringing triple store query performance to a level competitive with RDBMS.

Difference from RDF Stores

Although Datomic-like stores are heavily inspired by RDF stores, there are some differences that impact query engine design. Rather than trying to be maximally general and open, Datomic-like stores are closer to traditional databases in its design choices.

RDF stores often have a limited number of properties even for huge datasets, whereas Datomic-like stores normally have many attributes, and they are often specialized to a class of entities. Therefore, filtering by attribute values can be very efficient.

In Datomic-like stores, entities have explicit integer IDs, which makes the filtering by entity IDs efficient. The entity vs. entity relationship is also explicitly marked by :db.type/ref value type. The cost of resolving entity relationship becomes lower.

Conversely, in Datomic-like stores, the data values are stored as they are, rather than being represented by integer IDs, therefore, pushing selection predicates down to index scan methods brings more benefits.

Datalevin query engine exploits these design choices to maximize query performance.

Nested Triple Storage

Literal representation of triples in an index introduces significant redundant storage. For example, in :eav index, there are many repeated values of e, and in :ave index, there are many repeated values of a and v. These repetitions of head elements increase not just the storage size, but also processing overhead during query.

Taking advantage of LMDB's dupsort capability (i.e. a key can be mapped to a list of values, and this list of values are also sorted, essentially it is a two level nested B+ trees of B+ trees), we store the head elements only once, by treating them as keys. The values are the remaining one or two elements of the triple as a list of values mapped to by a key. This nested triple storage results in about 20% space reduction, depending on the data.

The main advantage of this list based triple storage is to facilitate counting of elements, which is the most critical input for query planning. Some list counts can be immediately read from the index, without performing actual range scan to count them. For example, in our storage schema, the number of datoms matching [?e :an-attr "bound value"] pattern can be obtained from the :ave index in constant time, without maintaining specialized statistics collecting facilities and storage.

Query Optimizations

Datalevin query engine employs multiple optimization strategies.

Predicates push-down

As mentioned above, we take advantage of the opportunities to push selection predicates down to index scan in order to minimize unnecessary intermediate results. Currently, two types of predicates are pushed down: 1. inequality predicates involving one variable and one or two constants are converted to range boundary in range scan; 2. other predicates involving one attributes are pushed down to operations that scan the attribute values.

These predicates push-downs are implemented as query rewrites. We also plug the constant query parameters into the query itself in order to avoid expensive joins with these bindings turned relations. More query rewrite cases will be considered in the future.

Merge scan

For star-like attributes, we utilize an idea similar to pivot scan [2], which returns multiple attribute values with a single index scan using :eav index. This single scan takes a list of entity IDs, an ordered list of attributes needed, and corresponding predicates for each attribute, to produce a relation. This avoids performing joins within the same entity class to obtain the same relation. The bulk of query execution time is spent on this operation.

The input list of entity IDs may come from a search on :ave index that returns an entity ID list, a set of linking references from a relation produced in the previous step, or the reverse references from the previous step, and so on. The tuples are sorted by entity IDs prior to being used to scan the index, this reduces LMDB cursor seek time and leverages the cache better, more than offsetting the cost of sorting.

Query graph simplification

Since star-like attributes are already handled by merge scan, the optimizer works mainly on the simplified graph that consists of stars and the links between them [3] [7] [9], this significantly reduces the size of optimizer search space.

Cost based query optimizer

We built a Selinger style cost-based query optimizer that uses dynamic programming for query planning [10], which is used in almost all RDBMS. Instead of considering all possible combinations of join orders, the plan enumeration is based on connected components of the query graph. Each connected component has its own plan and its own execution sequence. Multiple connected components are processed concurrently. The resulting relations are joined afterwards, and the order of which is based on result size.

Left-deep join tree

Our planner generates left-deep join trees, which may not be optimal [8], but work well for our simplified query graph, since stars are already turned into meta nodes and mostly chains remain. This also reduces the cost of cost estimation, which dominates the cost of planning. The impact of the loss of search space is relatively small, compared with the impact of inaccuracy in cardinality estimation. [5]

We do not consider bushy join trees, as our join methods are mainly based on scanning indices, so a base relation is needed for each join. Since we also count in base relations, the size estimation obtained there is quite accurate, so we want to leverage that accuracy by keeping at least one base relation in each join.

Join methods

Currently, we consider three join methods.

For two sets of where clauses involving two classes of entities respectively, e.g. ?e and ?f, we currently consider the following cases. If there is a reference attribute in the clauses that connects these two classes of entities e.g. [?e :a/ref ?f], "forward ref" or "reverse ref" method will be considered. The forward ref method takes the list of f? in an existing relation, then merge scan values of ?f entities. Reverse ref method has an extra step, it starts with ?f relation and scan :ave index to obtain corresponding list of ?e, then merge scan values of ?e entities. The third case is the value equality case, where e and f are linked due to unification of attribute values, then :ave index is scanned to find the target's entity IDs. These methods are essentially scanning indices for a list of entity IDs. Other attribute values then need to be merge scanned to obtain a full relation.

The choice of these methods is determined by the optimizer based on its cost estimation.

Directional join result size estimation (new)

The traditional join result size estimation formula used in RDBMS like PostgrSQL is based on a very simplistic statistical assumption: the attributes are considered statistically independent from one another. Data in the real world almost never meet this idealized assumptions. One major consequence of such simplification is that the join size estimation formula is un-directional, the same outcome is predicted regardless the side of the joins. In Datalevin, the :ref and :_ref join methods described above are directional, hence the size estimation should also be directional. No attribute independence assumption is made in our size estimation, as it is based entirely on counting and sampling. Data correlations are encoded naturally by these methods.

Direct counting for result size estimation (new)

As mentioned, the main advantage of our system is having more accurate result size estimation. Instead of relying on statistics based estimations using histograms and the like, we count elements directly, because counts in our list based triple storage are cheap to obtain. Since the planner is only interested in smallest count within one entity class, the counting is capped by the current minimum, so the time spent in counting is minimized. Compared with statistics based estimation, counting is simple, accurate and always up to date.

Query specific sampling (new)

For large result size, even capped counting is too expensive to perform. Sampling is used when result size is expected to be larger than a threshold. To ensure representative samples that are specific to the query and data distribution, we perform sampling by execution under actual query conditions.

During transaction, each attribute also maintains a representative sample of entity ids that has it. This is used when an attribute has no condition constraining it in the query. Otherwise, online sampling is performed during query. Both use reservoir sampling methods.

A sample of base entity IDs are collected first, then merge scans are performed to obtain base selectivity ratios. Finally, the selectivity of all possible two way joins are obtained by counting the number of linked entity ids based on these samples. Later joins use these selectivity ratios to estimate result sizes. We have found sampling more than 2-way joins (e.g. [6]) to be less effective, so we stick with sampling base and 2-way join selectivity only.

Dynamic plan search policy (new)

The plan search space initially include all possible join orders as our joins are directional. When the number of plans considered reaches a user configurable threshold, the planner turns the search policy from an exhaustive search to a greedy one. The shrinkage of plan search space in the later stages of planning has relatively little impact on quality of the final plan, while results in significant savings in memory consumption and planning time for those complex queries that reach the threshold.

Parallel processing

While requiring no additional facilities to collect statistics, our counting and sampling based query planning method does more work than traditional statistics based methods at query time. Fortunately, these work are amicable for parallel processing, so it is done whenever appropriate.

Pipeling is used for plan execution, so multiple tuples in different execution steps are in flight at the same time. A tuple generated from one step becomes input of next step. Each step is processed by a dedicated thread (putting multiple threads on a single step was tried and abandoned due to worse performance).


Currently, the query optimizer handles normal where clauses only: triple patterns and predicates. We will gradually extend the optimizer to consider more clause types in the future. In addition, only binary relations are considered at the moment, future work may consider relations on a hypergraph [8].


Datascript Benchmark

An existing benchmark developed in Datascript is performed. The speedup compared with the original Datascript engine is substantial. The details can be found here.

Queries in this benchmarks are fairly simple and do not involve more than one relation.

Join Order Benchmark (JOB)

The join order benchmark (JOB) [5] for SQL contains 113 complex queries that stresses the optimizer. We ported these queries to Datalog and compared with PostgreSQL here.

Datalevin's planning time is normally one order of magnitudes longer than that of PostgreSQL. This is expected, as our planner is written in idiomatic Clojure, and our planning algorithm is more complex. However, the execution time of Datalevin are more consistent and better on average, due to better plans produced, resulting in Datalevin's smaller total query time.


The more granular and redundant storage format of triple stores brings some challenges to query processing due to its greater demand on storage access, but it also offer some opportunities to help with query processing.

We found that the opportunities lie precisely in the "Achilles Heel" of RDBMS optimizer: cardinality estimation [6]. It is hard to have good cardinality estimation in RDBMS because the data are stored in rows, so it becomes rather expensive and complicated trying to unpack them to get attribute value counts or to sample by rows [4]. On the other hand, it is cheap and straightforward to count or sample elements directly in the already unpacked indices of triple stores.


Datalevin query engine stands on the shoulder of a half century of database research to bring a new hope to triple stores. We have chosen to implement simple and effective techniques that are consists with our goal of simplifying data access, and we are also open for the future, e.g. explore learning based techniques.


[1] Aluç, G., Hartig, O., Özsu, M. T. and Daudjee, K. "Diversified Stress Testing of RDF Data Management Systems". ISWC. 2014.

[2] Brodt, A., Schiller, O. and Mitschang, B. "Efficient resource attribute retrieval in RDF triple stores." CIKM. 2011.

[3] Gubichev, A., and Neumann, T. "Exploiting the query structure for efficient join ordering in SPARQL queries." EDBT. Vol. 14. 2014.

[4] Lan, H., Bao, Z. and Peng, Y.. "A survey on advancing the DBMS query optimizer: cardinality estimation, cost model, and plan enumeration." Data Science and Engineering, 2021

[5] Leis, V., et al. "How good are query optimizers, really?." VLDB Endowment 2015.

[6] Leis, V., et al. "Cardinality Estimation Done Right: Index-Based Join Sampling." Cidr. 2017.

[7] Meimaris, M., et al. "Extended characteristic sets: graph indexing for SPARQL query optimization." ICDE. 2017.

[8] Moerkotte, G., and Neumann, T. "Dynamic programming strikes back." SIGMOD. 2008.

[9] Neumann, T., and Moerkotte, G. "Characteristic sets: Accurate cardinality estimation for RDF queries with multiple joins." ICDE. 2011.

[10] Selinger, P. Griffiths, et al. "Access path selection in a relational database management system." SIGMOD. 1979.