ISS tracker that will change the colours of a set of LEDs depending on whether the ISS is in view, in sunlight, or in eclipse
After building the LEGO International Space Station, somebody suggested I could buy the light kit for it. I already had a 1M strip of neopixels so I decided to build my own kit.
I thought "wouldn't it be cool if it could somehow tie in to the real-time look of the ISS". So using a RPi0 I decided to try and code something that would show orange for when the ISS is in daylight; blue for when it's in eclipse; and bright white for when it's over my horizon.
V2.0 of the code works well but I'm happy to take advice to clean it up.
V2.1 includes an exception loop when requesting the TLE data. If connection is lost the LEDs turn red.
Lego International Space Station - Neopixels -