#SendBox (Rails)
A Sample Rails App integrating the Box.com and SendGrid API. Also a port of the original SendBox (written in Django).
Check out the demo
##Quick Setup:
After cloning this repository, navigate to root folder and:
Run 'bundle install' to install the required gems.
Add in credentials to 'config/application.rb' (refer to inline comments)':
.... module SendboxRails class Application < Rails::Application #Box Config $API_KEY = 'helloyouiama30characterapikey' #SendGrid Config $SENDGRID_API_URL = "https://sendgrid.com/api/mail.send.json" $SENDGRID_API_USER = "api_user" $SENDGRID_API_KEY = "api_user_password" $DEFAULT_EMAIL_SUBJECT = "I've shared a file to you from Box.com!" ...
You're good to go! Run this app with:
rails server