DCC Controlled Kato N-scale Turntable 20-283
Development for this project is stopped.
New project is started: DCCNext-Controlled-Kato-Turntable
Followed the standard from Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT) TurnTable Decoder TT-DEC
Used Components:
Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Shield for Arduino
DCC Shield for Arduno:
Controller will be used with:
ESU ECoS and iTrain
Uhlenbrock Intellibox and iTrain
Model railroad control program called: iTrain:
Store turntable bridge position when positioned
Read turntable bridge position at power up.
Now working with DCC Addresses:
- 225 - 0 = Red Button --> STOP
- 226 - 0 = Red Button --> POS (Set Track = 0 when Bridge in Home Position)
- 226 - 1 = Green Button --> T180 (Turn 180 degrees ClockWise)
- 227 - 0 = Red Button --> 1 STEP CW
- 227 - 1 = Green Button --> 1 STEP CCW
- 228 - 0 = Red Button --> Turn CW
- 228 - 1 = Green Button --> Turn CCW
- 229 - 0 = Red Button --> Goto Track 1
- 229 - 1 = Green Button --> Goto Track 2
- 230 - 0 = Red Button --> Goto Track 3
- 230 - 1 = Green Button --> Goto Track 4
- 231 - 0 = Red Button --> Goto Track 5
- 231 - 1 = Green Button --> Goto Track 6
- 232 - 0 = Red Button --> Goto Track 7
- 232 - 1 = Green Button --> Goto Track 8
- 233 - 0 = Red Button --> Goto Track 9
- 233 - 1 = Green Button --> Goto Track 10
- 234 - 0 = Red Button --> Goto Track 11
- 234 - 1 = Green Button --> Goto Track 12
- 235 - 0 = Red Button --> Goto Track 31
- 235 - 1 = Green Button --> Goto Track 32
- 236 - 0 = Red Button --> Goto Track 33
- 236 - 1 = Green Button --> Goto Track 34
- 237 - 0 = Red Button --> Goto Track 35
- 237 - 1 = Green Button --> Goto Track 36
Now working with DCC Addresses:
- 225 - 0 = Red Button --> STOP
- 226 - 0 = Red Button --> POS (Set Track = 0 when Bridge in Home Position)
- 226 - 1 = Green Button --> T180 (Turn 180 degrees ClockWise)
- 227 - 0 = Red Button --> 1 STEP CW
- 227 - 1 = Green Button --> 1 STEP CCW
- 228 - 0 = Red Button --> Turn CW
- 228 - 1 = Green Button --> Turn CCW
- 229 - 0 = Red Button --> Goto Track 1
- 229 - 1 = Green Button --> Goto Track 2
Now working with DCC Addresses:
- 225 - 0 = STOP
- 226 - 0 = POS (Set Track = 0 when Bridge in Home Position)
- 227 - 0 = 1 STEP CW
- 227 - 1 = 1 STEP CCW
Now working with DCC Address:
- 225 - 0 = STOP
- 226 - 0 = STOP
- 227 - 0 = 1 STEP CW
- 227 - 1 = 1 STEP CCW