🕸 Meta
- start Figma designs for components
🌶🌶🌶 Important feature or super cool
- colors*
- button*
- flex, built off box*
- click out wrapper*
- copy value on click wrapper*
- utility CSS classes
- colors matched to vg rarities
- add react-markdown integration
🌶🌶 Good value add
- text*
- link*
- combobox (autocomplete select)*
- toast*
- basic select*
- multiselect
- tables w/ useTable
- ellipsis support
- editable text
- headers*
- collapse sections*
- modals
- entity*
- error*
- popover
- copy text in field
- card*
🌶 Should have, but either low impact or high effort
- loading spinners*
- avatar
- tooltip
- badges
- tags
- form
- menus
- side menu
- input
- text*
- textarea*
- number* w/ distinct buttons
- checkbox
- radio
- date
- duration
- time
- switch
- selectable
- keyboard input
- skeleton
- code snippet
- tabs
🧊 Not sure about
- [-] why we don't provide layouts/grids
- theming
- with theme provider?