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Haskell and non-blocking asynchronous IO

Authors: Jyri-Matti Lähteenmäki
Date: 2013-01-05
Status: Published

Here begins my journey to the magnificent world of Haskell.

I was chatting with a co-worker a while back about the influence of programming languages to code quality etc. He mentioned node.js and working with Promises. I kind of responded that I don't really like Promise-hell or Callback-hell and would rather just say what I want sequentially.

A while back I started implementing a chat server and client. In Haskell. Just for fun and to learn the language. Googling for examples I quickly wrote something like:

acceptLoop socket = do
    (h,_,_) <- accept socket
    hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
    forkIO $ incoming h
    acceptLoop socket

The function forkIO kind of scared me and I decided to later come back to it and find out how to do asynchronous non-blocking IO in Haskell since it's such a buzz-word nowadays.

Well, turns out Haskell is one of those rare languages that does non-blocking IO by default. forkIO function doesn't spawn a new operating system thread, but instead a light-weight (i.e. green) thread. They claim that one can spawn tens of thousands of concurrent threads on a regular laptop. A regular OS thread can be spawned with forkOS function if needed.

Basically this means that I have been programming with non-blocking IO all the time without realizing it. It's still sequential, but could parallel operations be added easily, and without all the hassle with promises?

Let's first define some long running operation, pretending that it's fetching something over a slow network connection, or whatever:

-- some long-running "remote" operation
longRemoteOperation :: String -> IO (String)
longRemoteOperation a = do
    -- random delay to make parallel operations finish in random order
    d <- getStdRandom (randomR (1000000,1001000))
    _ <- threadDelay d
    putStr a
    return a

Synchronous (that is, sequential) operations would be the basic case. This function performs n operations one after another:

-- runs n operations synchronously
sync :: Int -> IO ()
sync 0 = return ()
sync n = do
    _ <- longRemoteOperation (show n)
    sync (pred n)

The two asynchronous versions (green threads and native threads) need a hack to prevent the program from exiting before all the threads are finished. Please forgive me:

-- runs n operations asynchronously using Haskell green threads
greenThread :: Int -> IO ()
greenThread = async forkIO

-- runs n operations asynchronously using native OS threads
osThread :: Int -> IO ()
osThread = async forkOS

-- a hack to wait until all threads are finished before exiting program
async :: (IO () -> IO t) -> Int -> IO ()
async forkMode n = do
        mvars <- replicateM n $ run $ longRemoteOperation "*"
        forM_ mvars takeMVar
        run f = do
            x <- newEmptyMVar
            _ <- forkMode $ (void f) `finally` putMVar x ()
            return x

The previous functions can be used to find out how many threads my poor little laptop can handle, but they do not resemble the way async operations are normally written. So let's write two more functions to see how parallel operation differs from sequential in practice:

-- runs 5 operations sequntially
sequential :: IO ()
sequential = do
    a1 <- longRemoteOperation "1"
    [a2, a3, a4] <- mapM longRemoteOperation ["2", "3", "4"]
    a5 <- longRemoteOperation "5"
    putStrLn $ foldl1 (++) [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]

-- runs one operation, then 3 parallel, then one more
parallel :: IO ()
parallel = do
    a1 <- longRemoteOperation "1"
    [a2, a3, a4] <- mapConcurrently longRemoteOperation ["2", "3", "4"]
    a5 <- longRemoteOperation "5"
    putStrLn $ foldl1 (++) [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]

Whoa, hold on a second! The difference is like one word? And no meddling with promises?

Before we get too exited I have to admit that this only demonstrates a basic case of performing three operations in parallel and only continuing when all three are finished. More complicated workflows might also complicate the code, but my poor imagination couldn't come up with realistic requirements, so I satisfied with this. Please see Control.Concurrent.Async for more information.

Let's add a main method and perform some timing to make sure everything is happening as we expect:

-- module declaration and imports, for completeness...
module Main where

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently)
import Control.Monad (forM_, replicateM, void)
import System.Random (getStdRandom, randomR)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    args <- getArgs
    case args of
        ["sync", n]    -> sync (read n)
        ["green", n]   -> greenThread $ read n
        ["os", n]      -> osThread $ read n
        ["sequential"] -> sequential
        ["parallel"]   -> parallel
        _       -> return ()

Let's first try the simple synchronous version with five operations. In each case the code prints a thread-number (or a star) when the thread finishes:

mac:asyncIO inferior$ time ./asyncIO "sync" 5
real  0m5.013s
user  0m0.006s
sys   0m0.010s

The the whole thing took five seconds as expected. Next the forked:

mac:asyncIO inferior$ time ./asyncIO "green" 5
real  0m1.020s
user  0m0.004s
sys   0m0.006s
mac:asyncIO inferior$ time ./asyncIO "os" 5
real  0m1.008s
user  0m0.003s
sys   0m0.005s

Both green threads and native threads run similarly, and take about one second, as expected. But how about if we increase the number of threads:

mac:asyncIO inferior$ time ./asyncIO "green" 2000 > /dev/null

real  0m1.041s
user  0m0.041s
sys   0m0.033s
mac:asyncIO inferior$ time ./asyncIO "os" 2000 > /dev/null

real  0m1.504s
user  0m0.554s
sys   0m0.511s

With 2000 threads the green-thread version still performs in about a second, but the native threads took 50% longer.

Now if I try with 3000 native threads I get: asyncIO: user error (Cannot create OS thread.) Unfortunately this seems to be the OS limit:

mac:asyncIO inferior$ sysctl kern.num_taskthreads
kern.num_taskthreads: 2048

Anyone know how to increase the limit on a Mac?

Still, 20000 and 100000 green threads perform really nice, and I doubt that no matter what the limits, 100000 native threads would kill my laptop =) :

mac:asyncIO inferior$ time ./asyncIO "green" 20000 > /dev/null

real  0m1.331s
user  0m0.380s
sys   0m0.243s
mac:asyncIO inferior$ time ./asyncIO "green" 100000 > /dev/null

real  0m2.889s
user  0m1.905s
sys   0m1.037s

We still have the two "regular programming style" methods remaining. Let's verify that they run as expected. Each thread prints again it's number when it finishes. Finally all numbers are printed again as a "complete result". See the code if you can't figure out my explanation... :

mac:asyncIO inferior$ time ./asyncIO "sequential"

real  0m5.011s
user  0m0.005s
sys   0m0.009s
mac:asyncIO inferior$ time ./asyncIO "parallel"

real  0m3.012s
user  0m0.005s
sys   0m0.008s

Indeed, sequential takes five seconds and always prints the numbers in order, whereas parallel takes three seconds as expected, and the order of the second, third and fourth digit randomly changes, even though the final result is always in the correct order.

Haskell seems to make this stuff really easy. Yes, I know, not everything in Haskell is easy...

Feel free to leave a Node.js example to the comments. We'll see which one is more readable ;)