Objective: Build a proof of concept to see if the idea is doable and brings any significant value.
- Simple scripts to download, parse and read ontologies of interest and generate a CSV file in the end
- include ontology entries of the following services:
- DBpedia Archivo: https://archivo.dbpedia.org/list
- Linked Open Vocabularies: https://lov.linkeddata.es/dataset/lov/
- Ontology Lookup Service: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/api/ontologies
- BioPortal: https://bioportal.bioontology.org/
- provide a way to contribute meta data using Github Pull Requests (use CSV file as well) - see manually-maintained-metadata-about-ontologies
- use manually maintained CSV file to fill in blanks in index.db (e.g. missing license info in OWL file)
- the following meta data are of interest:
- valid URL to latest version of RDF/XML-, Turtle-, NTriples- or N3-file
- name
- date time of last check
- data source info
- short description/summary
- license
- authors + contributors
- project page / homepage
- data source url