- First version. Released to an eager world!
Add Logarithmic Tensort
Rename and update Exchangesort
Simplify code and structure
Cleanup exports
Cleanup Types
Improve documentation
Add to package file
Expand supported dependency versions
Add tests
Add guards for short lists in input
Improve testing
Improve documentation
Add very basic benchmarking
- Cleanup testing and CI
- Improve testing compatibility (fix QuickCheck breaking Stackage build)
Add Recursive Robustsort
Add Rotationsort
Fix Bubblesort to more closely match Ackley's non-'optimized' version
Add Benchmarking
Replace Exchangesort with Rotationsort in Robustsort
Use Sortable type in Tensort and Robustsort so they can be used recursively
Add top-level Tensort and Robustsort functions wrapped in a type converter so they can be easily used to sort Bits (Integers)
Add more helper functions
Many more updates to the algorithms - see README for details
Export more functions for building custom Tensort variants
Cleanup and improve documentation
Cleanup code a bit
- Make all pictures in README viewable on Hackage
Include benchmarking results and README images in package
Improve flow in README
Cleanup code and documentation a bit
Adjust README formatting
Add Hype section to README
Some code and documentation cleanup