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Required Permissions

kabii edited this page Jul 14, 2023 · 12 revisions

🔑 FBK: Required Permissions

Discord bots require permissions in your Discord server to operate, exactly the same as how your moderators require roles/permissions. If you know what you are doing, you can restrict many permissions for users and bots to specific channels. You also can use an existing bot/mod role instead of using the default invite permissions which creates a role specifically for the bot.

🔓 Though not recommended from a security standpoint, if you do not want to mess with Discord permissions, you can use the alternate bot invite link which assigns Administrator permission (all permissions, access to all channels): Administrator Invite Link

If you do not know what you are doing, please just leave the default permissions the bot requests. If the bot is missing a requried permission and something fails, it will generally try to disable that feature and/or notify you, but if a core permission for a feature is missing, the bot may seem like it is not working and fail silently.

For example, if you use Twitch notifications but the bot loses permissions to send messages in that channel, you will not recieve notifications.

When you add the bot to your server, you will see a permission set something like this:

This will allow most bot features to function. Some features require additional permissions and are not included by default as they are generally not used.

Additionally, the following permissions may be required:

  • If you enable member join logging with the invite code tracking feature, the bot will require Manage Server to view your server's invites and track them. Create Instant Invite is not sufficient for this purpose.

  • If you want the bot to be able to mention roles in your server that do not have Allow anyone to @mention this role enabled, you may want to grant the bot the Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles permission.

  • If you want to create a voice role or YouTube membership integration (not released), the bot will need Manage Roles to create that role.