- OfficeFileCache.exe (x64): CentralTable.accdb/db, FSD & FSF parser. Updated to extract data from either an SQLite (Android, iOS, MAC OS) or a MSAccess Accdb (Windows) centraltable database depending on the source of the OfficeFileCache folder. Optionally exports output to csv.
Just point it to an OfficeFileCache folder ...
Requires Microsoft Access Database Engine ODBC driver and/or System.Data.SQLite.dll - If user opts in, will install them the first time needed (Installation log saved in Env:Temp) - or they can be installed manually.
ODCreconGUI.exe: x64 GUI for ArsenalRecon's ODCrecon64.exe. Extracts OOXML documents from FSD files. Obviously, it requires ODCrecon64.exe ;-)
- ODCreg.ps1: Powershell script to parse an NTuser.dat hive file for Microsoft Office roaming Metadata (Microsoft/Sharepoint IDs, files opened from Skydrive/Sharepoint & related timestamps). Exports output to a .txt csv file. Requires to be run as Administrator
- ODC-FSD.exe: Parse the OfficeFileCache FSD files in a folder and get FSD size and filename & url of the embedded file. Exports output to a .txt file.
- ODC-FSF.exe: Parse the OfficeFileCache FSF files in a folder and get the embedded FSD GUID. Exports output to a .txt file.
- OneDrive.ps1: Powershell script to list all MS Accounts associated with Onedrive, from a user's NTuser.dat. Requires to be run as Administrator
- OfficeMRU.ps1: Powershell script to list the most recently used (MRU) files/folders in MS Office applications, from a user's NTuser.dat. Requires to be run as Administrator
- MruServiceCache.ps1: Powershell script to parse the contents of the json files in an 'MruServiceCache' folder (Office16+ only)
- MruServiceCache.exe: Same as a standalone exe.
- Backstage.ps1: Powershell script to parse the contents of the json files in a 'BackstageInAppNavCache' folder (Office16+ only)
- Backstagex64.exe: Same as a standalone exe.
Blog post, Python Script
- Note1: The output exported from the above scripts are set to be saved as (csv) .txt files in the
folder. - Note2: The CentralTable.accdb points to the GUID in the FSF filename, and the FSF contains the GUID of the respective File Store Data (FSD) container.