diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md
index a3bb1b1e3..eb5e5fc51 100644
--- a/changelog.md
+++ b/changelog.md
@@ -1,10 +1,162 @@
+v3.0.0 / 2021-09-17
+ * Configurable RBAC role bindings for schema registry subjects (#283) (#284)
+ * Add missing Schema Registry ACLs (#297)
+ * Fix: RBAC Subject and Cluster level binding (#301)
+ * extends RedisBackend to store a full state copy (the new json) (#333)
+ * Add a connector management to the sasl example (#332)
+ * Make FileBackend VCS diff friendly (#317)
+ * Fix: ssl context contruction when no ssl configuration is provided. (#327)
+ * Fix: stupid error in checking server labels when creating a connector (#325)
+ * Enable the option to pass custom truststore and keystore with custom http clients (#324)
+ * Add missing ACLS for Control Center to work properly (#322)
+ * Enable group acls for consumers within the rbac bindings api (#321)
+ * Ammend docker example test ports for openldap image that changed over time (#320)
+ * Ksql: Add SSL support and bugfixes (#308)
+ * Fix problem with legacy release build identation
+ * Fix build job to sign rpms for release and nightly builds (#318)
+ * Allow reading of old-style state files. backwards compatible file backend (#315)
+ * add manual dispatch for nightly build artifacts
+ * docs: add producer example with transactionID (#311)
+ * Upgrade to latest version of JDK11 (#316)
+ * Add automated signing of packages in pipeline and amend docs (#302)
+ * Fix: Unrecognized field "resource_id" (#307) (#309)
+ * Add kerberos example for julieops (#310)
+ * Add support for KSQL queries (#275)
+ * support prefix for producer transaction id and consumer group (#279)
+ * avoid connection to mds when running in validate mode
+ * fix issue when listing transactionId resourceType in the RBAC provider as name is transient from the ACLs default one
+ * Support Connector deployment for Kafka Connect (#234)
+ * Add a validate only flag process to facilitate descriptor testing in feature branches and add ConfigurationKeyValidation and TopicNameRegexValidation validations (#274)
+v2.1.2 / 2021-04-30
+* Bump version for httpclient.version to avoid regression in internal domain validation HTTPCLIENT-2047 (a18ea2d81f8074ca0844582c62b646323b19db02)
+v2.1.1 / 2021-04-30
+* Amend dependencies to be fully supporting Confluent RBAC implementation (#272)
+* Fix problem with passing a dir that containts another dir for topologies (#269)
+* Amend listAcls function for rbac providers so delete and listing after execution works as well when using RBAC (#266)
+* Sync integration test Kafka version with the version in the pom. (#260)
+* Add overridingClientConfig parameter to allow override and fallbacks ot the original configuration. This would be useful when passing parameters that need to be adapted in some execution scenarios like deployments or CI/CD.
+* verify CLI parameters as first thing in the process before creating the main handler object (#253)
+v2.1.0 / 2021-04-03
+* Use Set as internal datastructure for 'principals to be created' instead of List.
+* Add gcp backend and general cleanup
+* Introduce an s3 backend
+* Add control center and schema registry principals on the platform level to be handled by the service account manager as well (#247)
+* Add error handling when building acls and specially when the group prefix is empty (#245)
+* Update topic partition and replication factor to use cluster defaults if nothing is available in the topology (#244)
+* Skip Julie principal when dealing with ACLs, if present (#246)
+v2.0.1 / 2021-03-16
+* Upgrade dependencies to Kafka 2.7 and Confluent 6.1, plus some other minor ones
+* Add support and checks for non ascii characters in schema content (#230)
+* Add integration test for SchemaRegistry Management in multiple formats (#229)
+* Add more clear error for descriptor files without the topics section in the serdes (#227)
+* Fix FileBackend bug in windows to use FileWriter due to closing problems with RandomAccessFile (#222)
+* Add support for JsonSchema and Protobuf when working with Schema Registry (#216)
+v2.0.0 / 2021-02-27
+* Entity rename to JulieOps as a new project name (#213)
+* [Sonar 2095] Fix, resources should be closed (#207)
+v1.5.1 / 2021-02-25
+* Bump jackson.version from 2.10.3 to 2.12.1 (#211)
+* File backend fix (#210)
+* Support topology validations with fully qualified class names as configuration values (backwards compatible) (#204)
+* Add topology metadata support for topics and users (#200)
+* README update
+* updated github action to take into account the new version branches
+v1.5.0 / 2021-01-16
+* Add ability to use the name as the end topic name (#194)
+* Support ACLs from Cluster (#188)
+* Enable to run integration test parametrised vs multiple cp versions (#189)
+v1.4.0 / 2021-01-03
+* [PrincipalManager] Improved error handling when using Confluent Cloud (#186)
+* Add support for a prefix list to filter which principals are allowed to be managed (#185)
+* Enable remote state fetching from the cluster for the principals (#187)
+* Add support for absolute paths when fetching schemas from disk (#184)
+* Add support for custom SchemaTypes and Compatibility level when managing schemas (#182)
+* Support multiple schema per topic (#183)
+* Adding ability to pass KTB options for the jvm or the KTB itself via an environment variable (#177)
+* Allow topic state bookkeeping from the cluster backend state system (#180)
+* Fix that principle manager was not adding principles defined within consumers/producers at topic levels (#179)
+* Improve AccessControlManagerTest (#168)
+* Option to disable creation of the CLUSTER CREATE ACL for connectors (#173)
+* Add Kafka Streams integration test bed (#169)
+v1.3.0 / 2020-12-14
+* Fix RPM/DEB packaging update (#172)
+* Managed principals using topology Builder, include support for ccloud CLI (#135)
+* Add an action to build and push artifacts for KTB (#166)
+* Introduced to detailed allow delete options to be used from the config files.
+ One for now dedicated to topics and one for the bindings (#163)
+* Keep order in file backend for generated items (#161)
+* Nightly docker image build, regular push to docker hub (#153)
+* Add workflows with github actions (#152)
+* Integration test verifying that producers can produce and consumers can consume (#150)
+* Fail on parsing of invalid topologies (#149)
+* ACL integration tests using testcontainers (#131)
+* Test cleanup (#145)
+* Add streams acls for consumer group and support for applicationId (#144)
+* Fix bug with a topology/config not using schemas (#143)
+1.2.2 / 2020-11-24
+* fix path of topology builder gen jar in the deb package mapping (#140)
+* Add schema.registry.url to docs and examples (#139)
+* make usage of key schemas optional, but throw an exception if key is present but not value schemas (#128)
+1.2.0 / 2020-11-16
+* Add custom plans to help standardise topic config (#129)
+* mockito-all was abandoned in 2015. Using mockito-core instead. (#130)
+* fix bug with state management for acls and deletion of removed rules (#127)
+* Add topic level Access Control Rules (ACLs/RBAC) (#124)
+* Upgrade testcontainers to support recent Docker for Mac. (#121)
+1.1.0 / 2020-10-30
+* Grouping acls for consumers and producers when the function is selected via configuration (#120)
+* Enable JSON and YAML as Topology descriptor file formats. (#108)
+* Add support for Transactional and Idempotence producing and consuming in KTB (#119)
+* Fix missing key in the deserializer for project causing projects to not properly extract the producers and perse not create the necessary acls
+* ammend deb sign script
+1.0.0 / 2020-10-23
* Extended the logging support to many components and classes in the KTB with the idea to support better troubleshooting. (Closes #101)
* Add a filter to delete only topic configurations that are explicitly set, not the ones that use default values. (closes #99)
* Fix a bug with wrongly set PatternType for Consumer group acls level. (closes #111)
* Add test and documentation for list type config values as handled using the new config library.
* Add a Health Check function used during the creation of the internal admin client. This function will describe the cluster and perse test if the setup credentials are ok.
-This fixes (#112)
+ This fixes (#112)
* Check for required configuration values for the configuration of RBAC, if not present it raises a Configuration error
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 98f70a97c..ef11b4d9b 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- edge
+ 3.0.0
A Kafka operations manager, julie ops