Forms migration (va_node_form) occurs nightly. The Form landing page nodes (va_form) are connected to the Forms DB (source) by its unique "rowid".
- Create: Any forms that appear new in the source are created in the CMS as a "VA form" with a moderation state of "draft".
- Update: Any form data that changes in the source is updated in the existing "VA form" without a change to its current moderation state.
- Delete: Any form in the source that is flagged with the "Deleted" field will have its corresponding "VA form" node unpublished by having its moderation state changed to "archived". This logic is handled in _va_gov_migrate_process_va_form(). The nightly migrations are handled as part of our tasks-periodic.yml and are triggered by Jenkins at midnight. Revisions for any saves are created and attributed to the user "CMS Migrator".
The Forms DB is the source of the form data migration. Each night at 11:30PM ET the Forms DB runs an export on cron to create a CSV file located Our task-periodic job copies that file and places it here so that it can be available to all our network environments (CI & BRD). To run it in sandboxes it will need to be pulled down with our file sync command. Catastophic safeties: If the source disappeared, the migration would make no changes to the existing nodes.
There are fields on the "VA form" nodes that are not connected to the migration because they do not exist in the source. These fields can be edited as needed without being altered by subsequent runs of the migration. Fields that are controlled by the data in the source are not available to be edited. In the event of bad data from the source (a bad file name or title) a site administrator can edit the fields. These edits would of course be overwritten the next time the migration runs at midnight. This logic is handled in _vagov_consumers_modify_va_form_fields().
Lighthouse will be reading data via a GraphQL and making it available to Form search and other React widgets.