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This repository is part of the Joyent Manta project. For contribution guidelines, issues, and general documentation, visit the main Manta project page.

Mola is one of two things:

  • The manta zone that manages running manta "system" crons like garbage collection.
  • The actual cron job in the cron zone that manages garbage collection.

This package contains the source code for #2.

Active Branches

There are currently two active branches of this repository, for the two active major versions of Manta. See the mantav2 overview document for details on major Manta versions.

  • master - For development of mantav2, the latest version of Manta. This is the version used by Triton.
  • mantav1 - For development of mantav1, the long term support maintenance version of Manta.


bin/            Commands available in $PATH.
boot/           Configuration scripts on zone setup.
data/           Garbage collection data samples, used for testing.
deps/           Git submodules and/or commited 3rd-party deps should go
                here. See "node_modules/" for node.js deps.
docs/           Project docs (restdown)
lib/            Source files.
node_modules/   Node.js deps, either populated at build time or commited.
                See Managing Dependencies.
sapi_manifests/ SAPI manifests for zone configuration.
test/           Test suite (using node-tap)
tools/          Miscellaneous dev/upgrade/deployment tools and data.
package.json    npm module info (holds the project version)


To check out and run the tests:

git clone
cd mola
make all
make test

Before commiting/pushing run make prepush and, if possible, get a code review.


make test

You can also run a full GC cycle locally by first downloading some pg dumps into ./tmp/ (make sure nothing else is in there), then:

EARLIEST=$(ls tmp/ | sed 's/^\w*-//; s/.gz$//;' | sort | head -1); \
for f in `ls tmp`; do \
   export DD=$(echo $f | sed 's/^\w*-//; s/.gz$//;'); \
   zcat tmp/$f | \
   node ./bin/gc_pg_transform.js -d $DD -e $EARLIEST \
     -m; \
done | sort | node ./bin/gc.js -g 60

The -g 60 is the grace period. In order to be cleaned out of mako, the only reference to an object will be in the manta_delete_log table and the creation date for that record will be more than -g [seconds] old.

You can test a full audit cycle by first causing postgres dumps for each moray shard, then mako dumps for each storage node. This example uses the input from a previously run audit job:

for MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT in `mjob inputs b1448c8d-53f0-4f63-91b8-c351a716c3a3`
    mget $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT | \
    if [[ "$MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT" = *.gz ]]; then zcat; else cat; fi | \
    ./build/node/bin/node ./bin/audit_transform.js -k $MANTA_INPUT_OBJECT
done | sort | ./build/node/bin/node ./bin/audit.js