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This Hadoop MapReduce calculates the most profitable items to flip in GW2.

What GoldenMoa is used for

  • Discovering less-known niches to invest your gold in.
  • Getting a good sense of what groups of items are more profitable.
  • Finding new items to attempt flipping.
  • Comparing your usual item profits with new markets.

What GoldenMoa is not used for

  • Guaranteeing that the generated dataset will earn you profit (the market will change).
  • Blinding investing in all listed items in the dataset.




Generates a dataset called allitemsdataset.txt in folder of pom.xml using GW2Spidy API requests and some additional parsing.


hadoop jar JAR gw2.GW2SpidyMain [OPTIONS]
Name Default Description
--threshold 100 Sets the bucket threshold by copper amount (eg. 100 is 100 copper/1 silver)



Calculates most profitable GW2 items based on bucket threshold and margins. Requires allitemsdataset.txt.


Name Default Description
--minbuycount 500 Sets the minimum buy listings required by each item, ensures item demand.

How to Run

Prerequsite(s): Installed Hadoop MapReduce, started all services.

  1. Create a jar file by running the following in the main folder where pom.xml is located.

    mvn clean install

    This creates a jar with the relative path target/golden-moa-1.0.jar

  2. Generate our dataset from current trading post data. See section above for command usage.

    hadoop jar target/golden-moa-1.0.jar gw2.GW2SpidyMain

    This generates allitemsdataset.txt.

  3. Create input folder and add dataset.

    hadoop fs -mkdir -p ~/input/
    hadoop fs -put allitemsdataset.txt ~/input/
    // We can see the file has been successfully added.
    hadoop fs -ls ~/input/
  4. Run MapReduce. See section above for command usage.

    hadoop jar target/golden-moa-1.0.jar GW2Job ~/input/ ~/output/
  5. View output of the MapReduce.

    // Copy output files locally to view
    hadoop fs -copyToLocal ~/output/ .
    // View top 10, lowest profit items
    cat output/part-r-00000 | sort -n -k1 | head -n10
    // Clean up
    hadoop fs -rm -r ~/output/

Example MapReduce Result

Result from cat output/part-r-00000 | sort -n -k1 | head -n10. These are lowest profitable items with buy counts over 500 and mapped into 1 silver buckets which are the default values.

246    Name: Rampager's Rogue Pants of Divinity Sell Price: 2000 Buy Price: 1300 Sell Count: 746 Buy Count: 859
449    Name: Ruby Platinum Earring Sell Price: 2200 Buy Price: 1200 Sell Count: 467 Buy Count: 571
450    Name: Rampager's Iron Shield of the Geomancer Sell Price: 2600 Buy Price: 1400 Sell Count: 31 Buy Count: 740
552    Name: Mighty Bronze Greatsword Sell Price: 3800 Buy Price: 1300 Sell Count: 303 Buy Count: 553
576    Name: Valkyrie Masquerade Leggings Sell Price: 6000 Buy Price: 1500 Sell Count: 272 Buy Count: 699
601    Name: Berserker's Seer Mantle of Vampirism Sell Price: 3600 Buy Price: 2300 Sell Count: 439 Buy Count: 1354
656    Name: Rampager's Gladiator Helm Sell Price: 1900 Buy Price: 1600 Sell Count: 339 Buy Count: 704
713    Name: Carnelian Silver Amulet Sell Price: 7200 Buy Price: 1700 Sell Count: 430 Buy Count: 732
766    Name: Penetrating Krytan Greatsword of the Night Sell Price: 16300 Buy Price: 1600 Sell Count: 83 Buy Count: 594
985    Name: Rejuvenating Steel Plated Inscription Sell Price: 5100 Buy Price: 2700 Sell Count: 785 Buy Count: 1310

As an example of custom thresholds and arguments, this is a MapReduce using --threshold 1000 and --minbuycount 1000. These results are also displayed using cat output/part-r-00000 | sort -n -k1 | head -n10, showing the lowest profit items with buckets of 10 silver and at least 1000 buy listings.

5439    Name: Hearty Intricate Cotton Insignia Sell Price: 8000 Buy Price: 5000 Sell Count: 143 Buy Count: 1361
9841    Name: Mini Infinirarium Sell Price: 13000 Buy Price: 12000 Sell Count: 525 Buy Count: 1209
13693    Name: Oiled Orichalcum Helmet Casing Sell Price: 18000 Buy Price: 13000 Sell Count: 249 Buy Count: 1607
16680    Name: Mini Captain Magnus Sell Price: 21000 Buy Price: 16000 Sell Count: 559 Buy Count: 1170
17152    Name: Endless Blue Quaggan Tonic Sell Price: 23000 Buy Price: 19000 Sell Count: 528 Buy Count: 2398
17173    Name: Feast of Truffle Steak Dinner Sell Price: 22000 Buy Price: 17000 Sell Count: 602 Buy Count: 1527
24623    Name: Soldier's Benthic Waterbreather of the Afflicted Sell Price: 31000 Buy Price: 29000 Sell Count: 421 Buy Count: 1727
33016    Name: Carbonized Mithrillium Ingot Sell Price: 41000 Buy Price: 36000 Sell Count: 685 Buy Count: 1834
33173    Name: Mini Undead Chicken Sell Price: 41000 Buy Price: 30000 Sell Count: 334 Buy Count: 1677
98019    Name: 20 Slot Gossamer Bag Sell Price: 117000 Buy Price: 100000 Sell Count: 1444 Buy Count: 1431