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863 lines (670 loc) · 29.8 KB

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863 lines (670 loc) · 29.8 KB


Table of Contents

This is the first web application that I have developed on my own.

The rest of this repository's documentation is organized as follows.

  1. Introduction

  2. How to set up the project locally

  3. How to use VS Code to debug the project locally

  4. Containerization

  5. Use Terraform to deploy a containerized version of the backend

  6. Future plans


VocabTreasury is a web application that supports the process of learning a foreign language.

Writing down new words is part and parcel of that process. Traditionally, new words have been written down in a physical notebook; nowadays, new words can alternatively be recorded on a tablet using a stylus. Such written records are a reliable means for language learners to achieving fluency in their respective target languages.

Another aspect of the reality of purposeful language learning is that it takes a long time. One consequence of that is the continuous accumulation of written records though time; another consequence is that it becomes increasingly more difficult to look up specific information, which is imprinted in only one or two particular written records. Maintaining an organized approach can become cumbersome even for diligent learners.

VocabTreasury has the following twofold objective:

  • firstly, to serve as a single place that you can store all of your written records in, and

  • secondly, to enable you to efficiently scan all your records for specific information, thus helping you pinpoint the one or two relevant records that you actually need to inspect.

How to set up the project locally

In a nutshell, this section will explain how to use Docker to serve a persistence layer; use localhost (= the local network interface) to serve a backend application; and use localhost to serve a frontend application.

  1. clone this repository, and navigate into your local repository

  2. create .env file within the backend subfolder of your local repository by taking the following steps:

    $ cp \
        backend/.env.template \
    # Edit the content of `backend/.env` as per the comments/instructions therein.
  3. set up the backend:

    • navigate into the backend subfolder:

      $ cd backend
    • create a Python virtual environment, activate it, and install all dependencies:

      backend $ python3 --version
      Python 3.8.3
      backend $ python3 -m venv venv
      backend $ source venv/bin/activate
      (venv) backend $ pip install --upgrade pip
      (venv) backend $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    • ensure that running the tests results in a PASS by issuing one of the following - either:

      (venv) backend $ python -m unittest \
          discover -v \

      or, even better:

      (venv) backend $ coverage run \
          --source=src/ \
          --omit=venv/*,tests/* \
          --branch  \
          -m unittest \
          discover -v \
      (venv) backend $ coverage report
      (venv) backend $ coverage html
    • create an empty database:

      $ docker run \
          --name container-v-t-mysql \
          --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
          --mount source=volume-v-t-mysql,destination=/var/lib/mysql \
          --env-file backend/.env \
          --publish 3306:3306 \
          mysql:8.0.26 \
          --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password \
          --character-set-server=utf8mb4 \
          --collation-server=utf8mb4_bin \
      # Verify that the new database does not contain any tables.
      $ docker container exec -it container-v-t-mysql /bin/bash
      root@<container_id>:/# mysql \
          -u <enter-the-value-of-MYSQL_USER-specified-within-backend/.env> \
          -p \
      Enter password:
      mysql> SHOW DATABASES;
      | Database           |
      | <the-value-of-MYSQL_DATABASE-specified-within-backend/.env> |
      | information_schema |
      2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
      mysql> USE <the-value-of-MYSQL_DATABASE-specified-within-backend/.env>;
      Database changed
      mysql> SHOW TABLES;
      Empty set (0.00 sec)
    • apply all database migrations:

      (venv) backend $ FLASK_APP=src flask db upgrade
      # Verify that repeating the previous step now returns the following:
      mysql> SHOW TABLES;
      | Tables_in_db-4-v-t   |
      | alembic_version      |
      | email_address_change |
      | example              |
      | user                 |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      # Also, verify that the following commands generate the indicated outputs:
      mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE user;
      | Table | Create Table                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
      | user  | CREATE TABLE `user` (
        `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `username` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
        `email` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
        `password_hash` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
        `is_confirmed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
        UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),
        UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`)
      ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE example;
      | Table   | Create Table                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
      | example | CREATE TABLE `example` (
        `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `created` datetime NOT NULL,
        `user_id` int NOT NULL,
        `source_language` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
        `new_word` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
        `content` text COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
        `content_translation` text COLLATE utf8mb4_bin,
        PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
        KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
        CONSTRAINT `example_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`)
      ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin |
      1 row in set (0.01 sec)
      mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE email_address_change;
      | Table                | Create Table                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
      | email_address_change | CREATE TABLE `email_address_change` (
        `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `user_id` int NOT NULL,
        `old` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
        `new` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
        `created` datetime NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
        KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
        CONSTRAINT `email_address_change_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`)
      ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin |
      1 row in set (0.01 sec)
    • create a pre-commit Git hook that runs the black formatter for Python code:

      (venv) $ pre-commit install
      pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
      (venv) $
    • launch a terminal window and, in it, start a process responsible for serving the application instance by issuing either one of the following commands:

      (venv) backend $ python
      (venv) backend $ FLASK_APP=src flask run
    • launch another terminal window and, in it, issue each of the following requests and make sure you get the indicated status code in the response:

      $ curl -v \
          -X GET \
          localhost:5000/api/users \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X GET \
          localhost:5000/api/users/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ export EMAIL_1=<a-real-email-address-that-you-have-access-to>
      $ curl -v \
          -X POST \
          -d \
              "{ \
                  \"username\": \"jd\", \
                  \"email\": \"${EMAIL_1}\", \
                  \"password\": \"123\" \
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/users \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X POST \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -d \
              "{ \
                  \"username\": \"jd\", \
                  \"email\": \"${EMAIL_1}\", \
                  \"password\": \"123\" \
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/users \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X GET \
          localhost:5000/api/users/1 \
          | json_pp
      # Check the inbox of `EMAIL_1`.
      # You will receive an email with instructions
      # for confirming the newly-created user's email address.
      # Follow those instructions.
      $ curl -v \
          -X GET \
          localhost:5000/api/users/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ export EMAIL_2_1=<another-real-email-address-that-you-have-access-to>
      $ curl -v \
          -X POST \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -d \
              "{ \
                  \"username\": \"ms\", \
                  \"email\": \"${EMAIL_2_1}\", \
                  \"password\": \"456\"\
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/users \
          | json_pp
      # Check the inbox of `EMAIL_2_1`.
      # You will receive an email with instructions
      # for confirming the newly-created user's email address.
      # Follow those instructions.
      $ curl -v \
          -X PUT \
          -d '{"username": "JD"}' \
          localhost:5000/api/users/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X PUT \
          -u ${EMAIL_1}:123 \
          -d '{"username": "JD"}' \
          localhost:5000/api/users/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X PUT \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -u ${EMAIL_1}:123 \
          -d '{"username": "JD"}' \
          localhost:5000/api/users/2 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X PUT \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -u ${EMAIL_1}:123 \
          -d "{ \
                  \"username\": \"JD\", \
                  \"email\": \"JOHN.DOE@PROTONMAIL.COM\" \
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/users/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X PUT \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -u ${EMAIL_1}:123 \
          -d "{ \
                  \"username\": \"JD\" \
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/users/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X GET \
          localhost:5000/api/users \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X PUT \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -u ${EMAIL_2_1}:wrong-password \
          -d "{ \
                  \"username\": \"MS\" \
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/users/2 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X PUT \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -u ${EMAIL_2_1}:456 \
          -d "{ \
                  \"username\": \"JD\" \
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/users/2 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X PUT \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -u ${EMAIL_2_1}:456 \
          -d "{ \
                  \"email\": \"${EMAIL_1}\" \
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/users/2 \
          | json_pp
      $ export EMAIL_2_2==<yet-another-real-email-address-that-you-have-access-to>
      $ curl -v \
          -X PUT \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -u ${EMAIL_2_1}:456 \
          -d "{ \
                  \"email\": \"${EMAIL_2_2}\" \
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/users/2 \
          | json_pp
      # Check the inbox of `EMAIL_2_2`.
      # You will receive an email with instructions
      # for confirming the new email address.
      # Follow those instructions.
      $ curl -v \
          -X DELETE \
          localhost:5000/api/users/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X DELETE \
          -u ${EMAIL_1}:123 \
          localhost:5000/api/users/2 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X DELETE \
          -u ${EMAIL_1}:123 \
          localhost:5000/api/users/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X GET \
          localhost:5000/api/users/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X DELETE \
          -u ${EMAIL_2_2}:wrong-password \
          localhost:5000/api/users/2 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X POST \
          -u ${EMAIL_2_2}:456 \
          localhost:5000/api/tokens \
          | json_pp
      $ export T2=<the-json-web-signature-token-from-the-previous-response>
      $ curl -v \
          -H "Authorization: Bearer ${T2}" \
          localhost:5000/api/examples \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X POST \
          -H "Authorization: Bearer ${T2}" \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -d \
              "{ \
                  \"source_language\": \"German\", \
                  \"new_word\": \"die Tasse, -n\", \
                  \"content\": \"e-e Tasse Kaffe\" \
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/examples \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -H "Authorization: Bearer ${T2}" \
          localhost:5000/api/examples/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X PUT \
          -H "Authorization: Bearer ${T2}" \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -d \
              "{ \
                  \"content_translation\": \"a cup of coffee\" \
              }" \
          localhost:5000/api/examples/1 \
          | json_pp
      $ curl -v \
          -X DELETE \
          -u ${EMAIL_2_2}:456 \
          localhost:5000/api/users/2 \
          | json_pp
  4. set up the frontend:

    • navigate into the frontend subfolder:

      $ cd frontend
    • install the Node.js dependencies

      frontend $ node --version
      frontend $ npm --version
      frontend $ npm install
      frontend $ npm audit fix
    • ensure that running the tests results in a PASS by issuing one of the following: either:

      frontend $ npm test -- \

      or, even better:

      frontend $ npm test -- \
          --watchAll=false \
          --coverage \

      or, both with coverage and in watch mode:

      frontend $ npm test -- \
          --watchAll \
          --coverage \
    • launch a terminal window and, in it, start a process responsible for serving the application instance:

      frontend $ npm start
    • launch a web browser, and enter localhost:3000 into its address bar

How to use VS Code to debug the project locally

  1. to debug the backend

    • navigate to VS Code's "RUN AND DEBUG" menu

    • select the [old way] Python: Flask launch configuration and run it

  2. to debug the frontend

    • ( follow the instructions in the "3. set up the backend" sub-section in the previous section in order to ) set up and start the backend

    • within VS Code, place breakpoints in the frontend's source code

    • navigate to VS Code's "RUN AND DEBUG" menu

    • select the Launch Brave against localhost launch configuration and run it

    • use the started instance of the Brave browser to interact with the frontend in a way that hits the placed breakpoints

  3. to debug a single test from the test suite for the frontend sub-project

    • open the Command Palette in VS Code

    • type "Jest: Start All Runners" and hit [Enter], which will display a beaker icon in the left sidebar of VS Code and run the entire test suite for the frontend sub-project

    • in order to run or debug a single specific test: click on the beaker icon, click on the test of interest, and use the "Run Test" or "Debug Test" button

    • ( if you clicked on the "Debug Test" button, you might have click on the vscode-jest-tests.vs2 pane (in the "TERMINAL" tab) within VS Code's integrated terminal and press [Enter] )

    • note that the last step opens the "TEST RESULTS" tab in VS Code's integrated terminal but, in order to see what the executed test writes to Standard Output (= to the console), you have to go to the "TERMINAL" tab instead and click on the appropriate terminal instance


The commands, which are provided in this section, make it possible to launch a containerized version of the backend sub-project.

Follow the instructions within ( the "How to set up the project locally" section >> step 2. ).

$ docker network create network-vocab-treasury
$ docker volume create volume-vocab-treasury-mysql

$ MYSQL_HOST=vocab-treasury-database-server bash -c '
    docker run \
        --name container-vocab-treasury-mysql \
        --network network-vocab-treasury \
        --network-alias ${MYSQL_HOST} \
        --mount source=volume-vocab-treasury-mysql,destination=/var/lib/mysql \
        --env-file backend/.env \
        --env 'MYSQL_HOST' \
        --detach \
        mysql:8.0.26 \
        --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password \
        --character-set-server=utf8mb4 \
        --collation-server=utf8mb4_bin \
$ export HYPHENATED_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM=2024-07-03-21-12
$ docker build \
    --file backend/Containerfile \
    --tag image-vocab-treasury:${HYPHENATED_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM} \
$ MYSQL_HOST='vocab-treasury-database-server' \
  bash -c '
    docker run \
        --name container-vocab-treasury \
        --network network-vocab-treasury \
        --env-file backend/.env \
        --env CONFIGURATION_4_BACKEND \  # TODO (2024/07/25; 22:18) is this needed (or even correct)?
        --env MYSQL_HOST \
        --publish 5000:5000 \
        --detach \
$ backend/

Use Terraform to deploy a containerized version of the backend

This section assumes that you:

  • have a DockerHub account

  • have built a container image for the backend sub-project (as explained in the preceding section) and have pushed that image to a public (container-image) repository in your DockerHub account

  • have an Azure account

  • have installed the mycli command-line tool on your computer

  • have a Linode account

  • own a domain

  • use the Domains section of your Linode account to manage the domain

$ cp \
    infrastructure-backend/terraform.tfvars.example \
# Edit the newly-created file according to the instructions therein.
$ cd infrastructure

# Follow the instructions on
# :

#   - log into the Azure CLI using a User:
$ az login \

#     (
#       The AzureAD provider operates on tenants and not on subscriptions.
#       We recommend always specifying `az login --allow-no-subscriptions`
#       as it will force the Azure CLI to report tenants with no associated subscriptions,
#       or where your user account does not have any roles assigned for a subscription.
#     )

#   - list the Subscriptions and Tenants associated with the account:
$ az account list \
    -o table \
    --all \
    --query "[].{TenantID: tenantId, Subscription: name, Default: isDefault}"

# [For each of the subsequent commands,]
# the provider will select the tenant ID from your default Azure CLI account.
# If you have more than one tenant listed in the output of `az account list`
# - for example if you are a guest user in other tenants -
# you can specify the tenant to use.
$ terraform init
$ ARM_TENANT_ID=<provide-the-ID-of-the-tenant-you-wish-to-deploy-to> terraform plan \
    -var-file=terraform.tfvars.sensitive \
    -target=azurerm_mysql_flexible_server_firewall_rule.f_s_f_r \
    -target=azurerm_mysql_flexible_server_configuration.example \
    -target=linode_domain_record.l_d_r_1_txt \
    -target=linode_domain_record.l_d_r_2_cname \

$ ARM_TENANT_ID=<provide-the-ID-of-the-tenant-you-wish-to-deploy-to> terraform apply \

# Ensure that public access to the provisioned MySQL server works;
# one way to do that is to use the `mycli` command-line tool:
$ mycli \
    --host <the-fully-qualified-domain-name-returned-by-the-preceding-command> \
    --user <the-value-of-mysql_server_administrator_login-from-terraform.tfvars.sensitive> \
    --port=3306 \
# It should be noted that
# the last command _might_ work
# _only after_ you have appended
# the contents of the Root CA Certificates from
# to (the end of) the above-mentioned `cacert.pem` file.

# Check whether the deployed application is responsive
# by issuing a `GET` request to the `/api/users` endpoint
# of the Azure-generated hostname.
$ ARM_TENANT_ID=<provide-the-ID-of-the-tenant-you-wish-to-deploy-to> terraform plan \
    -var-file=terraform.tfvars.sensitive \

$ ARM_TENANT_ID=<provide-the-ID-of-the-tenant-you-wish-to-deploy-to> terraform apply \

# Check whether the deployed application is responsive
# by issuing a `GET` request to the `/api/users` endpoint
# of your custom hostname.
$ ARM_TENANT_ID=<provide-the-ID-of-the-tenant-you-wish-to-deploy-to> terraform destroy \

Future plans

  • remove axios from the frontend sub-project's dependencies, and refactor the uses of axios to use the fetch() function (which is available in all modern browsers); the motivation for this is the preference for fetch() over axios in the React Mega-Tutorial by Miguel Grinberg as well as this comment

  • enable every newly-created user to reset their password through the frontend

  • allow each user to export their personal data in JSON format

  • make it possible for users to upload audio files