Shared code used by the different nginx modules in the media-framework.
ngx_buf_chain - a lightweight chain of buffers (similar to ngx_chain_t + ngx_buf_t)
ngx_buf_queue - a queue of fixed-size buffers, used for buffering KMP input/output
ngx_buf_queue_stream - a read/write stream implementation over an ngx_buf_queue_t
ngx_http_api - HTTP API dispatcher -
- parse incoming requests
- route the request to the configured handler
- handle
requests - parse query args
See API Overview for more details
ngx_http_call - HTTP client implementation over nginx connection (can be used by non-HTTP nginx modules)
ngx_json_parser - JSON parser
ngx_json_pretty - re-format JSONs in a "pretty" / indented format
ngx_ksmp - Kaltura Segmented Media Protocol definitions
ngx_lba - Large Buffer Allocator, allocate media buffers in large chunks using
ngx_live_kmp - Kaltura Media Protocol definitions
ngx_mem_rstream - a read stream over a continuous memory buffer
ngx_persist - functions for managing KLPF block definitions
ngx_persist_read - functions for reading KLPFs
ngx_persist_write - functions for writing KLPFs
ngx_wstream - an abstract write stream definition
- generate_json_header - generate code for reading/writing JSON objects
- - generate a specification JSON of the KMP format, for parsing with klpf_parse
- generate_routes_header - generate code for routing HTTP requests
- klpf_generate_doc - generate markdown documentation from a KLPF specification file
- klpf_parse - parse a KLPF object