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I am a first-year Ph.D. student in the LEVIR lab. at Beihang University, advised by Prof. Zhenwei Shi and Prof. Zhengxia Zou. Before that, I received my B.S. degree in Image Processing Center at Beihang University.
My research interests lie in the deep learning, 3D vision, remote sensing image processing and AIGC.
- 2023.05: 🎉🎉 One paper is accepted by GNC.
- 2023.06 "Outstanding Graduates" of Beihang, Beihang University
- 2021.07 Second Prize in the “Zhou Peiyuan” Mechanics Competition for Undergraduate Students, 2021
- 2020.12 First Prize in National Undergraduate Physics Contest 2020
- 2020.12 "National Scholarship", Beihang University (Rank 2/500)
- 2024.09 - Present, Ph.D. in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, Beihang University, China.
- 2023.09 - 2024.06, M.S. in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, Beihang University, China.
- 2019.09 - 2023.06, B.S. in Image Processing Center, Beihang University, China.