Problem: Any positive integer number can be presented as 1 and several operations *3 and /2 discarding the result after the decimal point when dividing.
for instance:
4 = 1 *3 *3 /2
12 = 1 *3 *3 /2 *3
make code which enters positive integer N then present it with 1 *3 /2 equation.
Paul Callaghan - Haskell
Dylan - Python
Bruno Kbidy - Perl
Marc - C#
Puyb - Python
Dimitrios - Georgios Kotopoulos - Perl
moredhel - Java
Michael Shimniok - Perl
Jean Sorgemoel - Python
Antal Koos - Python
OhmOhm - Python
Sergey - Python
Todor Nikodimov - C++