Rws generates a pcap from a simple packet descriptor language. The pcaps can then be used for testing together with tools such as tcpreplay. It is especially use full to generate invalid packets that no off-the-shelf traffic generator would be able to generate, e.g a corrupt TCP packet that is tunneled inside a Teredo tunnel that is sent over GTP-u. If a field in a protocol isn't specified resonable defaults are used.
RWS supports:
- Ethernet
- Fragv6 option
- GTP-u
- Hexpayload
- HopByHop option
- Icmp
- IcmpV6
- IPv4
- IPv6
- L2TP
- PadN option
- Teredo
Numerous examples are provided in the samples dir.
Example: Given the file simple.pkt which contains: (eth (ipv4 src= dst= (udp))) the command: ./dist/build/rws/rws -i simple.pkt -o out.pcap
will generate a pcap file with a single UDP packet from to