- API optional response as PHP Object
- UPDATE & DELETE requieres where
- Refactor: Error outputs
- Implement: loader and abstract for after subjobs
- Implement: DORMInfo Class, return version in API response
- Fix: JSON Output with Numeric
- Fix: Error if no columns array in job
- Implement: REPLACE job
- Implement: feature/implement count and group in querybuilder
- Implement: extend count query
- Fix: sql fixes and features like alias and group functions
- Implement: feature/error handler
- doc/error handling description
- Implement: JOIN and WHERE to QueryBuilder and API
- Implement: before option with lastInsertId call
- Typo fix: in API() tokken => token
- Typo fix: in API() erros => errors
- Merge: request + setup.php
- Tu much, show in the commits