Sealed class to hold data of an event that might be of interest from analytics perpective.
: Represents a screen view eventEvent.Action
: Represents an action performed by the user, e.g. CTA Tap.
Sealed class to represent the types of events possible
: State of a screenAction
: Action on a screen
This class holds data in the form of Key Value pairs about what's going on the screen. This helps create a context of the analytics event that's being captured.
This class holds three strings to represents a trail of navigation from a screen e.g. If a user goes from "Home" to "Search" to an "Item", the breadcrumbs would as follows
val breadCrumbs = BreadCrumbs(
section = "Home",
subSection = "Search",
subSubSection = "Item"
The main interface which enables an agnostic analytics implementation. With a simple 2 function override, any analytics provider can be implemented using this interface so that they can be swapped without having to remove/update the function calls.