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devmapper CIs are broken #5682

fidencio opened this issue Jun 6, 2023 · 1 comment

devmapper CIs are broken #5682

fidencio opened this issue Jun 6, 2023 · 1 comment
bug Incorrect behaviour needs-review Needs to be assessed by the team.


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fidencio commented Jun 6, 2023

The CIs are consistently failing with:

03:06:31 not ok 2 Copy from pod to host
03:06:35 # (in test file k8s-copy-file.bats, line 72)
03:06:35 #   `cat "$file_name" | grep "$content"' failed
03:06:35 # INFO: k8s configured to use runtimeclass
03:06:35 # pod/pod-copy-file-to-host created
03:06:35 # pod/pod-copy-file-to-host condition met
03:06:35 # Name:         pod-copy-file-to-host
03:06:35 # Namespace:    default
03:06:35 # Priority:     0
03:06:35 # Node:         ubuntu20-37fdc0/
03:06:35 # Start Time:   Sat, 03 Jun 2023 01:06:31 +0000
03:06:35 # Labels:       <none>
03:06:35 # Annotations:  <none>
03:06:35 # Status:       Running
03:06:35 # IP: 
03:06:35 # IPs:
03:06:35 #   IP:
03:06:35 # Containers:
03:06:35 #   ctr-copy-file-to-host:
03:06:35 #     Container ID:  containerd://4d488d9cec03a6472252744148dab14728721b78f528bcc8110692aa94d2320e
03:06:35 #     Image:
03:06:35 #     Image ID:
03:06:35 #     Port:          <none>
03:06:35 #     Host Port:     <none>
03:06:35 #     Command:
03:06:35 #       sleep
03:06:35 #       120
03:06:35 #     State:          Running
03:06:35 #       Started:      Sat, 03 Jun 2023 01:06:34 +0000
03:06:35 #     Ready:          True
03:06:35 #     Restart Count:  0
03:06:35 #     Environment:    <none>
03:06:35 #     Mounts:
03:06:35 #       /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-5kmmt (ro)
03:06:35 # Conditions:
03:06:35 #   Type              Status
03:06:35 #   Initialized       True
03:06:35 #   Ready             True
03:06:35 #   ContainersReady   True
03:06:35 #   PodScheduled      True
03:06:35 # Volumes:
03:06:35 #   kube-api-access-5kmmt:
03:06:35 #     Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
03:06:35 #     TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
03:06:35 #     ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
03:06:35 #     ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
03:06:35 #     DownwardAPI:             true
03:06:35 # QoS Class:                   BestEffort
03:06:35 # Node-Selectors:              <none>
03:06:35 # Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
03:06:35 #                     op=Exists for 300s
03:06:35 # Events:
03:06:35 #   Type    Reason     Age   From               Message
03:06:35 #   ----    ------     ----  ----               -------
03:06:35 #   Normal  Scheduled  3s    default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/pod-copy-file-to-host to ubuntu20-37fdc0
03:06:35 #   Normal  Pulling    1s    kubelet            Pulling image ""
03:06:35 #   Normal  Pulled     0s    kubelet            Successfully pulled image "" in 100.831595ms
03:06:35 #   Normal  Created    0s    kubelet            Created container ctr-copy-file-to-host
03:06:35 #   Normal  Started    0s    kubelet            Started container ctr-copy-file-to-host
03:06:37 # NAMESPACE      NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
03:06:37 # default        pod-copy-file-to-host                     1/1     Running   0          3s
03:06:37 # kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-kgzr8                     1/1     Running   0          47s
03:06:37 # kube-system    coredns-64897985d-c7h6b                   1/1     Running   0          46s
03:06:37 # kube-system    coredns-64897985d-kdzwr                   1/1     Running   0          46s
03:06:37 # kube-system    etcd-ubuntu20-37fdc0                      1/1     Running   0          61s
03:06:37 # kube-system    kube-apiserver-ubuntu20-37fdc0            1/1     Running   0          61s
03:06:37 # kube-system    kube-controller-manager-ubuntu20-37fdc0   1/1     Running   0          61s
03:06:37 # kube-system    kube-proxy-66dp4                          1/1     Running   0          47s
03:06:37 # kube-system    kube-scheduler-ubuntu20-37fdc0            1/1     Running   0          61s
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.744911   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) (0xc00081f360) Create stream
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.744991   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) (0xc00081f360) Stream added, broadcasting: 1
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.746221   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) Reply frame received for 1
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.746260   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) (0xc0005b6d20) Create stream
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.746267   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) (0xc0005b6d20) Stream added, broadcasting: 3
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.746813   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) Reply frame received for 3
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.746838   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) (0xc00081f400) Create stream
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.746844   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) (0xc00081f400) Stream added, broadcasting: 5
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.747331   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) Reply frame received for 5
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.763657   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) Data frame received for 5
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.763692   73126 log.go:184] (0xc00081f400) (5) Data frame handling
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.763718   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) Data frame received for 3
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.763728   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005b6d20) (3) Data frame handling
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.768178   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) Data frame received for 1
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.768230   73126 log.go:184] (0xc00081f360) (1) Data frame handling
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.768241   73126 log.go:184] (0xc00081f360) (1) Data frame sent
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.768250   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) (0xc00081f360) Stream removed, broadcasting: 1
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.768261   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) Go away received
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.768952   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) (0xc00081f360) Stream removed, broadcasting: 1
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.768971   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) (0xc0005b6d20) Stream removed, broadcasting: 3
03:06:37 # I0603 01:06:34.768986   73126 log.go:184] (0xc0005c1080) (0xc00081f400) Stream removed, broadcasting: 5
03:06:37 # Name:         pod-copy-file-to-host
03:06:37 # Namespace:    default
03:06:37 # Priority:     0
03:06:37 # Node:         ubuntu20-37fdc0/
03:06:37 # Start Time:   Sat, 03 Jun 2023 01:06:31 +0000
03:06:37 # Labels:       <none>
03:06:37 # Annotations:  <none>
03:06:37 # Status:       Running
03:06:37 # IP: 
03:06:37 # IPs:
03:06:37 #   IP:
03:06:37 # Containers:
03:06:37 #   ctr-copy-file-to-host:
03:06:37 #     Container ID:  containerd://4d488d9cec03a6472252744148dab14728721b78f528bcc8110692aa94d2320e
03:06:37 #     Image:
03:06:37 #     Image ID:
03:06:37 #     Port:          <none>
03:06:37 #     Host Port:     <none>
03:06:37 #     Command:
03:06:37 #       sleep
03:06:37 #       120
03:06:37 #     State:          Running
03:06:37 #       Started:      Sat, 03 Jun 2023 01:06:34 +0000
03:06:37 #     Ready:          True
03:06:37 #     Restart Count:  0
03:06:37 #     Environment:    <none>
03:06:37 #     Mounts:
03:06:37 #       /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-5kmmt (ro)
03:06:37 # Conditions:
03:06:37 #   Type              Status
03:06:37 #   Initialized       True
03:06:37 #   Ready             True
03:06:37 #   ContainersReady   True
03:06:37 #   PodScheduled      True
03:06:37 # Volumes:
03:06:37 #   kube-api-access-5kmmt:
03:06:37 #     Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
03:06:37 #     TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
03:06:37 #     ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
03:06:37 #     ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
03:06:37 #     DownwardAPI:             true
03:06:37 # QoS Class:                   BestEffort
03:06:37 # Node-Selectors:              <none>
03:06:37 # Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
03:06:37 #                     op=Exists for 300s
03:06:37 # Events:
03:06:37 #   Type    Reason     Age   From               Message
03:06:37 #   ----    ------     ----  ----               -------
03:06:37 #   Normal  Scheduled  3s    default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/pod-copy-file-to-host to ubuntu20-37fdc0
03:06:37 #   Normal  Pulling    1s    kubelet            Pulling image ""
03:06:37 #   Normal  Pulled     0s    kubelet            Successfully pulled image "" in 100.831595ms
03:06:37 #   Normal  Created    0s    kubelet            Created container ctr-copy-file-to-host
03:06:37 #   Normal  Started    0s    kubelet            Started container ctr-copy-file-to-host
03:06:39 # NAMESPACE      NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
03:06:39 # default        pod-copy-file-to-host                     1/1     Running   0          3s
03:06:39 # kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-kgzr8                     1/1     Running   0          47s
03:06:39 # kube-system    coredns-64897985d-c7h6b                   1/1     Running   0          46s
03:06:39 # kube-system    coredns-64897985d-kdzwr                   1/1     Running   0          46s
03:06:39 # kube-system    etcd-ubuntu20-37fdc0                      1/1     Running   0          61s
03:06:39 # kube-system    kube-apiserver-ubuntu20-37fdc0            1/1     Running   0          61s
03:06:39 # kube-system    kube-controller-manager-ubuntu20-37fdc0   1/1     Running   0          61s
03:06:39 # kube-system    kube-proxy-66dp4                          1/1     Running   0          47s
03:06:39 # kube-system    kube-scheduler-ubuntu20-37fdc0            1/1     Running   0          61s
03:06:39 # I0603 01:06:34.987391   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) (0xc0004fcf00) Create stream
03:06:39 # I0603 01:06:34.987452   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) (0xc0004fcf00) Stream added, broadcasting: 1
03:06:39 # I0603 01:06:34.990038   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) Reply frame received for 1
03:06:39 # I0603 01:06:34.990068   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) (0xc0004fc8c0) Create stream
03:06:39 # I0603 01:06:34.990075   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) (0xc0004fc8c0) Stream added, broadcasting: 3
03:06:39 # I0603 01:06:34.990599   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) Reply frame received for 3
03:06:39 # I0603 01:06:34.990625   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) (0xc0003cd2c0) Create stream
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:34.990632   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) (0xc0003cd2c0) Stream added, broadcasting: 5
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:34.991191   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) Reply frame received for 5
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.004225   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) Data frame received for 3
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.004246   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0004fc8c0) (3) Data frame handling
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.004274   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) Data frame received for 5
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.004284   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0003cd2c0) (5) Data frame handling
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.004293   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0003cd2c0) (5) Data frame sent
03:06:40 # tar: removing leading '/' from member names
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.004520   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) Data frame received for 5
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.004537   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0003cd2c0) (5) Data frame handling
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.006357   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) Data frame received for 1
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.006374   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0004fcf00) (1) Data frame handling
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.006383   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0004fcf00) (1) Data frame sent
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.006493   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) (0xc0004fcf00) Stream removed, broadcasting: 1
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.006708   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) (0xc0003cd2c0) Stream removed, broadcasting: 5
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.006756   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) (0xc0004fcf00) Stream removed, broadcasting: 1
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.006767   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) (0xc0004fc8c0) Stream removed, broadcasting: 3
03:06:40 # Dropping out copy after 0 retries
03:06:40 # I0603 01:06:35.006781   73156 log.go:184] (0xc0001a7970) Go away received
03:06:40 # cat: file.txt: No such file or directory
03:06:40 # Name:         pod-copy-file-to-host
03:06:40 # Namespace:    default
03:06:40 # Priority:     0
03:06:40 # Node:         ubuntu20-37fdc0/
03:06:40 # Start Time:   Sat, 03 Jun 2023 01:06:31 +0000
03:06:40 # Labels:       <none>
03:06:40 # Annotations:  <none>
03:06:40 # Status:       Running
03:06:40 # IP: 
03:06:40 # IPs:
03:06:40 #   IP:
03:06:40 # Containers:
03:06:40 #   ctr-copy-file-to-host:
03:06:40 #     Container ID:  containerd://4d488d9cec03a6472252744148dab14728721b78f528bcc8110692aa94d2320e
03:06:40 #     Image:
03:06:40 #     Image ID:
03:06:40 #     Port:          <none>
03:06:40 #     Host Port:     <none>
03:06:40 #     Command:
03:06:40 #       sleep
03:06:40 #       120
03:06:40 #     State:          Running
03:06:40 #       Started:      Sat, 03 Jun 2023 01:06:34 +0000
03:06:40 #     Ready:          True
03:06:40 #     Restart Count:  0
03:06:40 #     Environment:    <none>
03:06:40 #     Mounts:
03:06:40 #       /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-5kmmt (ro)
03:06:40 # Conditions:
03:06:40 #   Type              Status
03:06:40 #   Initialized       True
03:06:40 #   Ready             True
03:06:40 #   ContainersReady   True
03:06:40 #   PodScheduled      True
03:06:40 # Volumes:
03:06:40 #   kube-api-access-5kmmt:
03:06:40 #     Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
03:06:40 #     TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
03:06:40 #     ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
03:06:40 #     ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
03:06:40 #     DownwardAPI:             true
03:06:40 # QoS Class:                   BestEffort
03:06:40 # Node-Selectors:              <none>
03:06:40 # Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
03:06:40 #                     op=Exists for 300s
03:06:40 # Events:
03:06:40 #   Type    Reason     Age   From               Message
03:06:40 #   ----    ------     ----  ----               -------
03:06:40 #   Normal  Scheduled  4s    default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/pod-copy-file-to-host to ubuntu20-37fdc0
03:06:40 #   Normal  Pulling    2s    kubelet            Pulling image ""
03:06:40 #   Normal  Pulled     1s    kubelet            Successfully pulled image "" in 100.831595ms
03:06:40 #   Normal  Created    1s    kubelet            Created container ctr-copy-file-to-host
03:06:40 #   Normal  Started    1s    kubelet            Started container ctr-copy-file-to-host
03:06:40 # pod "pod-copy-file-to-host" deleted
03:06:40 [] ERROR: bats k8s-copy-file.bats

Till someone has the time to debug it, the CI will be marked as non-required.

@fidencio fidencio added bug Incorrect behaviour needs-review Needs to be assessed by the team. labels Jun 6, 2023
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fidencio commented Jun 6, 2023

The last time a baseline CI passed as on June 2nd, starting to break on June 3rd.

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bug Incorrect behaviour needs-review Needs to be assessed by the team.
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1 participant