When you submit a FOIA, the agency is required to respond within 15 business days (it may extend that by 10 business days) with either the requested data or reasoning for not providing the data. Sometimes, agencies will not respond within that timeframe. I then submit an appeal, like the following:
To Whom it May Concern:
On [date] pursuant to the District of Columbia Freedom of Information Act of 1974, D.C. Code Ann. § 2-531 et seq. ("D.C. Act"), I requested the following records:
[dataset description] including the following fields:
[requested fields]
Under D.C. Code § 2-532 the government is required within 15 days (except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) of the receipt of a request to either make the requested public record accessible or report it's determination and reasoning for not making the requested record accessible.
I have received no word since submitting the request on [date]. Please provide the requested data, or your reasoning for not being able to do so.
I am happy to further discuss this request or answer any questions you may have.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.