(1) The record of a resolution passed otherwise than at a meeting of members, if purporting to be signed by a director of the company or by the secretary, is sufficient evidence of the passing of the resolution.
(2) If there is a record of a written resolution of a private company, the requirements of this Act with respect to the passing of the resolution are deemed to be complied with unless the contrary is proved.
(3) The record of proceedings of a meeting of members purporting to be signed by the chairperson of that meeting or by the chairperson of the next meeting of members is sufficient evidence of the proceedings at the meeting.
(4) If there is a record of proceedings of a meeting of members of a company, then, until the contrary is proved—
\(a\) the meeting is deemed to be duly convened;
\(b\) all proceedings at the meeting are deemed to have been duly taken place; and
\(c\) all appointments at the meeting are deemed to be valid.