This configuration file lets you easily add Express middleware, local variables and helpers for templates and directly access the application instance before it starts. = {
// customMiddleware allows you to inject a piece of middleware before each requeset
// Worth noting that this **only applies to HTTP requests**-- while most parts of Sails work for both
// HTTP and sockets, and most Express/Connect middleware should work without a problem for both using
// Sails' built-in interpreter, this configuration exists mainly to allow direct access to the Express
// middleware chain.
// For example, if you want to use the `connect-flash` middleware:
customMiddleware: function (app) {
var flash = require('connect-flash');
// Defaults to `false`
// Disable by setting to `false`
// customMiddleware: false
// Configures the middleware function used for parsing the HTTP request body
// Defaults to the Formidable-based version built-in to Express/Connect
// To enable streaming file uploads (to disk or somewhere else)
// you'll want to set this to `false` to disable it.
// Alternatively, if you're comfortable with the bleeding edge,
// check out:
// Defaults to `false`
// Disable by seting to `false`
// bodyParser: false,
// If bodyParser doesn't understand the HTTP body request data,
// run it again with an artificial header, forcing it to try and parse
// the request body as JSON
// (this allows you to use JSON as your request body and have it parsed as parameters
// without the need to specify a 'Content-type: application/json' header)
// Defaults to `true`
// Disable by seting to `false`
// retryBodyParserWithJSON: true,
// Cookie parser middleware
// Defaults to Connect/Express standard
// Disable by seting to `false`
// cookieParser: false,
// HTTP method override middleware
// This option allows artificial query params to be passed to trick
// Express into thinking a different HTTP verb was used.
// Useful when supporting an API for user-agents which don't allow
// PUT or DELETE requests
// Defaults to Connect/Express standard
// Disable by seting to `false`
// methodOverride: false