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Martin Ledvinka edited this page Jun 27, 2023 · 3 revisions

JOPA supports specifying hints for query execution via the Query.setHint method. These hints allow to configure the execution of SPARQL queries. Note that not all query hints are supported by all underlying OntoDrivers. If a hint is not supported by a driver, it is silently ignored by it. If a hint is not recognized at all by JOPA, it is also ignored, but a warning is logged. If an invalid value is provided for a hint, an exception is thrown.

The following table lists the currently supported query hints:

Hint Explanation Support Version
cz.cvut.kbss.jopa.query.disableInference Allows disabling inference for execution of a query. OntoDriver OWLAPI, RDF4J 0.19.0
cz.cvut.kbss.jopa.query.targetOntology Specifies target of query execution. Possible values are CENTRAL and TRANSACTIONAL. CENTRAL means that only committed changes are visible to the query, TRANSACTIONAL will also include changes pending in the current transaction. OnoDriver Jena, OWLAPI 1.0.0

See class cz.cvut.kbss.jopa.query.QueryHints for declaration of individual query hints.

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