The mocha-webpack plugin module is included in the project. You can invoke tests locally with these commands.
$ npm run test
(runs unit tests) -
$ npm run test:watch
(continually running, if UT files are changed it reruns the unit tests)
$ npm run ft
(runs feature tests) -
$ npm run ft:watch
(continually running, if FT files are changed it reruns the feature tests)
$ npm run visualize
(Runs visualizer)- The user input is defined in discussions.json
- After visualizer has run the conversation between a user and a bot can be found in doc/flow/
- After changes to texts or the logic of the app the visualizer is a handy tool to show if something has changed and thus the output of this command should always be checked after changes
$ npm run demonize
(Runs visualizer)- The user input is defined in discussions.json
- After demonizer has run open doc/flow/demo.html
- The HTML page displays the conversation as an animation