- none
- Initial version.
- Fixed date range related bug.
- none
- none
- Now possible to mark or highlight repeatedly. For example value of those options can be {year: 0, month: 0, day: 10} which means that it affects every 10th day.
- none
- Added inline mode option and functionality.
- Fixed inline calendar position bug.
- none
- Global configuration removed, because --prod flag compilation error.
- none
- tslint related changes.
- none
- none
- Added the defaultView option.
- none
- README file changes.
- none
- Added stylesData option, which allows override styles of component.
- none
- none
- Fixed disabled cell hover bug in the month and the year view.
- none
- Fixed month view visible month bug.
- none
- none
- Just updating the README file.
- Fixed year view selection bug.
- Refactoring code.
- none
- README file updated.
- none
- README file updated.
- Fixed bug: position: relative can mess up the layout
- none
- Fixed bug: Unable to set values on inline calendar
- none
- none
- README file updated.
- none
- Code refactored. Added more test cases.
- none
- Added more test cases.
- none
- README file updated.
- Fixed bug: Change of options doesn't update component every time.
- none
- Fixed bug: angular Ivy
- none
- none
- Added option divHostElement.
- none
- Added option calendarAnimation.
- none
- README updated.
- none
- Changes to the animation functionality.
- none
- Changes to the animation functionality.
- none
- none
- Show marked dates as a triangle on the calendar.
- none
- Added option showMonthNumber.
- Fixed bug: Disabled dates on the calendar can get a focus.
- none
- Minor fix to previous version.
- none
- none
- Selection bar related changes.
- none
- Added Angular 9 to the peer dependency of the package.
- none
- Minor changes.
- none
- Added support to RTL.
- Fixed: Week number th and td border in RTL mode.
- Fixed: jsDateToMyDate method receive string type but expect JS Date type #30
- none
- none
- Contents of the README file updated.
- none
- Current day marked previous and next months on day view.
- Merged PR: Fix strictNullType check error of possibly undefined object #32.
- none
- none
- CSS styles related changes.
- none
- CSS styles related changes.
- none
- CSS styles related changes.
- none
- none
- Example app updated
- README updated
- none
- Fixed bug: dd/mm as dateFormat option gives errors #36
- none
- Fixed bug: yyyy only form #5
- Changed the style of disabled date.
- none
- RTL related changes.
- none
- Added options todayTxt and showFooterToday. Added today button. #38
- none
- CSS style related changes.
- none
- Fixed: Keypress should not set the "touched" value #41
- Reference document: Validating form input
- none
- none
- Added view change animation and new option (viewChangeAnimation) to it.
- none
- Added 4px padding to calendar. Default height and width of the calendar changed to 266px.
- none
- Added 4px padding to calendar. Default height and width of the calendar changed to 266px.
- none
- Merged: Add new locale en-gb #43
- Added to the _disableDates option a way to disable dates with an own style.
- none
- none
- Changes to the viewChangeAnimation option functionality. Animation is not shown when the calendar is opened.
- Minor fix to the functionality of the defaultView option.
- none
- none
- Added headerAction() method to the directive.
- none
- Minor changes to styles. README updated.
- none
- README updated. Added screenshots.
- none
- README updated. Example app updated.
- none
- README updated. Example app updated. Code refactored.
- none
- Added a new callback: viewActivated(view).
- none
- Minor changes. Refactoring code.
- none
- Added optional override selection property to the defaultMonth attribute.
- Added outline: none style to date, month and year cells.
- none
- none
- none
- Peer dependencies removed from the package.json file.
- none
- none
- none
- none
- Added support to ordinal dates.