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1. 🎩 ManagerGPT


ManagerGPT serves as the orchestrator of your project, directing the other agents to execute tasks based on your input. When you provide a project prompt, ManagerGPT divides it into tasks for BackendGPT, FrontendGPT, DesignerGPT, and ArchitectGPT.

How ManagerGPT Works?

Let's say you want to develop a full-stack app that fetches today's weather in Python using FastAPI. ManagerGPT simplifies this process by breaking it down into specific tasks for each specialized agent:

  • ArchitectGPT: ManagerGPT instructs ArchitectGPT to design the application's structure, encompassing both backend and frontend components, utilizing Python and FastAPI:
[*] "ManagerGPT": Executing task: "Develop a full stack app that fetches today's weather in python using FastAPI."

ManagerGPT articulates the project goal and communicates it to the ArchitectGPT through Gemini API, which then generates specific steps for architecting the application:

[*] "ArchitectGPT": Executing tasks: Tasks { description: "- Design the user interface for the weather app, including input fields for location and a display area for weather details.\n- Implement a function to fetch current weather data from a weather API in Python.\n- Create a FastAPI endpoint that calls the weather fetching function and returns the weather data in JSON format.\n- Integrate the FastAPI endpoint with the front end to display the fetched weather data on the user interface.\n- Handle error scenarios and provide appropriate user feedback.", scope: None, urls: None, frontend_code: None, backend_code: None, api_schema: None }
  • DesignerGPT: ManagerGPT guides DesignerGPT in crafting a user-friendly interface tailored for presenting the weather forecast.
[*] "DesignerGPT": Executing tasks: Tasks { description: "- Utilize FastAPI in Python to develop a user interface for the weather app, integrating a location input field and display section for weather data.\n- Step 1: Define the layout and structure of the user interface, ensuring it's user-friendly and visually appealing.\n- Step 2: Implement the location search functionality, enabling users to input their desired location and retrieve relevant weather information.", scope: None, urls: None, frontend_code: None, backend_code: None, api_schema: None }
  • BackendGPT: ManagerGPT assigns BackendGPT to implement the backend logic using FastAPI, responsible for fetching weather data from external sources.
[*] "BackendGPT": Executing tasks: Tasks { description: "- Using FastAPI in Python, create a backend for a weather application featuring a user interface with a location input field and weather data display section.\n- Step 1: Design and develop the user interface, ensuring it's user-friendly and visually appealing.\n- Step 2: Implement the location search functionality, enabling users to input their desired location and retrieve relevant weather information.", scope: None, urls: None, frontend_code: None, backend_code: None, api_schema: None }
  • FrontendGPT: ManagerGPT directs FrontendGPT to develop the frontend interface, enabling users to interact with and visualize the weather data.
[*] "FrontendGPT": Executing tasks: Tasks { description: "- Using FastAPI in Python, create a user interface for a weather application.\n- Step 1: Create a user-friendly layout for displaying weather information.\n- Step 2: Implement FastAPI endpoints to fetch and display weather data.", scope: None, urls: None, frontend_code: None, backend_code: None, api_schema: None }

Finally, ManagerGPT aggregates the outcomes from all GPTs, consolidating the generated tasks into a coherent project plan. Here's the summary of the completed tasks:

[*] "ManagerGPT": Completed Tasks: Tasks { description: "- Utilizing FastAPI and Python, develop a user-friendly UI for displaying weather data.\n- Step 1: Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design and develop web pages that showcase weather data effectively.\n- Step 2: Define routes in FastAPI for weather data retrieval and display, ensuring seamless integration between frontend and backend.", scope: None, urls: None, frontend_code: Some("from fastapi import FastAPI, Request\nfrom fastapi.responses import JSONResponse\nimport requests\n\napp = FastAPI()\n\n@app.get(\"/weather/{city_name}\")\nasync def get_weather(city_name: str, request: Request):\n    url = f\"{city_name}&appid=YOUR_API_KEY\"\n    response = requests.get(url)\n    if response.status_code == 200:\n        data = response.json()\n        return JSONResponse(content={\n            \"city_name\": data[\"name\"],\n            \"temperature\": data[\"main\"][\"temp\"] - 273.15,\n            \"humidity\": data[\"main\"][\"humidity\"],\n            \"wind_speed\": data[\"wind\"][\"speed\"]\n        })\n    else:\n        return JSONResponse(content={\"error\": \"Could not fetch weather data\"}, status_code=response.status_code)"), backend_code:  Some("from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Form\nfrom fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates\nfrom fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse\nimport requests\n\napp = FastAPI()\ntemplates = Jinja2Templates(directory=\"templates\")\n\n@app.get(\"/\", response_class=HTMLResponse)\nasync def index(request: Request):\n    return templates.TemplateResponse(\"index.html\", {\"request\": request})\n\\"/weather\", response_class=HTMLResponse)\nasync def weather(request: Request, city: str = Form(...)):\n    url = f\"{city}&appid=YOUR_API_KEY\"\n    response = requests.get(url)\n    data = response.json()\n    return templates.TemplateResponse(\"weather.html\", {\"request\": request, \"data\": data})"), api_schema: None }

2. 👷‍♀️ ArchitectGPT


ArchitectGPT is responsible for designing the overall structure and architecture of your application. ArchitectGPT will create the foundation upon which your app will be built.

How ArchitectGPT Works

Upon receiving instructions from ManagerGPT, ArchitectGPT will:

  • Determine the technologies and frameworks needed to realize the project goals and arcitecture of the project using the diagrams library.
  • Design the data flow and communication between backend and frontend components to ensure seamless operation.


3. 🎨 DesignerGPT (Optional) Feature Flag: img


DesignerGPT transforms ideas into visually stunning designs. Whether it's crafting sleek user interfaces or designing captivating user experiences, DesignerGPT brings your project to life with style.

How DesignerGPT Works

When tasked by ManagerGPT, DesignerGPT will:

  • Create mockups and wireframes of the application's interface using imgget AI api, ensuring a user-friendly and intuitive design.
  • Select colors, fonts, and layouts that align with your project's branding and aesthetic.
  • TODO: Collaborate with other agents to integrate design elements seamlessly into the final product.

DesignerGPT sample output

4. ⚙️ BackendGPT


BackendGPT handles all things related to server-side logic and data processing. From database management to API integration, BackendGPT ensures that your application's backend is robust and efficient.

How BackendGPT Works

Upon receiving instructions from ManagerGPT, BackendGPT will:

  • Develop the backend using FastAPI, implementing endpoints for retrieving weather data and handling user requests.
  • Integrate external APIs or services to fetch real-time weather information.
  • Ensure data security and integrity, implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms as needed.

BackendGPT code

5. 🖥️ FrontendGPT


FrontendGPT will craft engaging and interactive experiences for your application's users. With a keen eye for design and a knack for coding, FrontendGPT brings your designs to life in the browser.

How FrontendGPT Works

When prompted by ManagerGPT, FrontendGPT will:

  • Develop the frontend interface using modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, complementing the backend's functionality.
  • Implement responsive design principles to ensure a seamless experience across devices and screen sizes.
  • TODO: Collaborate with DesignerGPT to translate design mockups into code, bringing the application's visual identity to fruition.

6. 💌 MailerGPT (Optional) Feature Flag: mail


MailerGPT streamlines your communication processes by automating the creation and distribution of emails.

How MailerGPT Works

MailerGPT operates by:

  • Reading your emails and extracting relevant information based on the user input.
  • Generating and sending personalized email content tailored to specific recipients or target audiences.

With Autogpt's team of specialized agents working together, your project is in capable hands. Simply provide a simple project goal, and let Autogpt handle the rest!