- As a not logged in visitor can view all the articles and their comments, can view all the users, can view the categories and what articles under a specific category, can sign in and sign up for the blog.
- As a logged in user can view all the articles and their comments, can create, edit, delete his/her own articles, can add comments to any article, can create, edit and delete his/her own comments, can view all the users, can view the categories and what articles under a specific category, can edit & view his/her own profile.
- As admin can view all the articles and their comments, can create his/her own articles, can edit and delete all articles, can create his/her own comments, can edit and delete all comments, can view and delete all the users, can view the categories and what articles under a specific category, can create, edit and delete categories, can edit & view his/her own profile.
- One article can belongs to many categories, one category can have many articles.
- By using Twilio API, as an admim(can add anyone if needed) will get a sms message when there is a new user sign up successfully.