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91 lines (70 loc) · 6.11 KB


This is a Rust library for interfacing with the Vault plugin that allows for the creation of EVM accounts and signing of transactions using those accounts.


This library is providers rust bindings for interacting with the kevlar vault plugin. It is generated using the OpenAPI Generator project and references the openapi.yaml specification which can be found under definitions/. The generated code is under src/api/ and src/models/.

  • API version: 1.0
  • Package version: 1.0


Put the package under your project folder in a directory named kevlar and add the following to Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

kevlar = { path = "./kevlar" }


We use various .githooks to maintain our codebase, docs, and wiki

Getting started with git hooks

git config core.hooksPath .githooks
chmod +x .githooks/*
  • Wiki Sync Hook will sync the wiki with the docs directory on every commit

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost:9200/v1/vault-ethereum this can be changed in the configuration struct see src/api/ for the default value.

To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:

cargo doc --open

Examples and Tests

There are a few examples and tests which can be run with

make test # this tests the library and custom tests in the `tests` directory
make examples # this runs the examples in the `examples` directory

OpenAPI Specification

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountNameApi createanaccount PUT /accounts/{account-name} create an account
AccountNameApi readanaccount GET /accounts/{account-name} read an account
AccountsApi listallaccounts GET /accounts list all accounts
ApproveApi erc20approve POST /accounts/{account-name}/erc20/approve erc20 approve
ApproveApi erc721approve POST /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/approve erc721 approve
BalanceApi readbalance GET /accounts/{account-name}/balance read balance
BalanceOfApi erc721balanceof GET /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/balanceOf erc721 balance of
BalanceOfApi geterc20balance POST /accounts/{account-name}/erc20/balanceOf get erc20 balance
ConfigApi gettheconfiguration GET /config get the configuration
ConfigApi writeaconfiguration PUT /config write a configuration
ConvertApi getaconversion POST /convert get a conversion
DeployApi deployasmartcontract GET /accounts/{account-name}/deploy deploy a smart contract
GetApprovedApi erc721gettheapprovedaddressforasinglenft GET /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/getApproved erc721 get the approved address for a single nft
IsApprovedForAllApi erc721checkifisapprovedforall GET /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/isApprovedForAll erc721 check if is approved for all
MetadataApi erc721getmetadata GET /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/metadata erc721 get metadata
OwnerOfApi geterc721safetransferfrom GET /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/ownerOf erc721 safe transfer from
SafeTransferFromApi erc721safetransferfrom POST /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/safeTransferFrom erc721 safe transfer from
SetApprovalForAllApi erc721setapprovalforall POST /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/setApprovalForAll erc721 set approval for all
SignApi signamessage PUT /accounts/{account-name}/sign sign a message
SignTxApi signatransaction PUT /accounts/{account-name}/sign-tx sign a transaction
TokenByIndexApi erc721gettokenbyindex GET /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/tokenByIndex erc721 get token by index
TokenOfOwnerByIndexApi erc721tokenofownerbyindex GET /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/tokenOfOwnerByIndex erc721 token of owner by index
TokenUriApi erc721gettokenuri GET /accounts/{account-name}/erc721/tokenURI erc721 get token uri
TotalSupplyApi geterc20totalsupply POST /accounts/{account-name}/erc20/totalSupply get erc20 total supply
TransferApi transfer_eth PUT /accounts/{account-name}/transfer transfer ETH
TransferApi transferanerc20 POST /accounts/{account-name}/erc20/transfer transfer an erc20
TransferFromApi transfererc20fromoneaddresstothis POST /accounts/{account-name}/erc20/transferFrom transfer erc20 from one address to this

Documentation For Models