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Example usage with Cloud Run & Private invocations

All the steps below require the gcloud CLI.

Deploying to Cloud Run

The following steps will deploy a minimal app called cloudtasker-demo to your Cloud Run account.

First, set your GCP project ID

export PROJECT_ID=my-gcp-project

Check the initial Cloudtasker configuration in config/initializers/cloudtasker.rb. Make sure the gcp_project_id and gcp_location_id are correct

Make sure the default queue exists for the demo application in Google Cloud Tasks:

bundle exec rake cloudtasker:setup_queue

Create a service account for your application and attach the Cloud Tasks Enqueuer roles to it so it is allowed to enqueue tasks. In a production context, you can restrict this permission to specific Cloud Task queues using --condition:

# Create service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create cloudtasker-demo --display-name="cloudtasker-demo" --project=$PROJECT_ID

# Add Task Runner role
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:cloudtasker-demo@$" --role="roles/cloudtasks.enqueuer"

Build and deploy the app to Cloud Run:

# Build
gcloud builds submit --project=$PROJECT_ID --tag$PROJECT_ID/cloudrun/cloudtasker-demo

# Deploy
gcloud run deploy cloudtasker-demo --project=$PROJECT_ID --region us-central1 --platform managed --image$PROJECT_ID/cloudrun/cloudtasker-demo --service-account="cloudtasker-demo@$" --allow-unauthenticated

Once you have your service URL, update the processor_host in config/initializers/cloudtasker.rb. Also make sure that your Cloud Run service account has the "Cloud Tasks Enqueuer" IAM role. You can then re-build and redeploy your service:

gcloud builds submit --project=$PROJECT_ID --tag$PROJECT_ID/cloudrun/cloudtasker-demo
gcloud run deploy cloudtasker-demo --project=$PROJECT_ID --region us-central1 --image$PROJECT_ID/cloudrun/cloudtasker-demo

Once deployed, you can enqueue dummy jobs by visiting https://<your-service> This URL will enqueue a DummyWorker on Cloud Tasks.

The job progress can be followed in your Cloud Run service logs.

Making your service private using OpenID Connect (OIDC)

If you do not want your app to be publicly accessible on the internet, you may configure it to use private invocations on Cloud Run.

For Cloud Tasks to work with a Cloud Run service in private mode, a service account must be specified on the tasks that has access to the Cloud Run service. This is the purpose of the config.oidc parameter in Cloudtasker.

The steps below explain how to configure your application and service account to work with private invocations.

Switching the app to private mode

Uncomment the oidc section in config/initializers/cloudtasker.rb and specify the service_account_email to:

echo cloudtasker-demo@$

Add the Cloud Run Invoker role to the service account. Since tasks will be enqueued under the service account created previously, they need to be able to invoke the Cloud Run app. In a production context, you can restrict this permission to this Cloud Run app only using --condition:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:cloudtasker-demo@$" --role="roles/run.invoker"

The service account also needs to be able to act as itself to enqueue tasks on its behalf. To do so, we need to attach the "Service Acccount User" to our service account:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:cloudtasker-demo@$" --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountUser"

Re-build and deploy your service in private authentication mode:

# Build
gcloud builds submit --project=$PROJECT_ID --tag$PROJECT_ID/cloudrun/cloudtasker-demo

# Deploy in authenticated mode
gcloud run deploy cloudtasker-demo --project=$PROJECT_ID --region us-central1 --image$PROJECT_ID/cloudrun/cloudtasker-demo --no-allow-unauthenticated

Enqueuing jobs using private invocations

Unless you are an admin on your GCP account, you should give yourself the "Cloud Run Invoker" role, otherwise, you won't be able to access your Cloud Run service via HTTP.

Now you should be able to enqueue jobs on your private service by running the following authenticated request (visiting the URL via a browser will not work anymore):

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)" https://<your-service>

You may need to check your Cloud Run service logs for errors and adapt the permissions of your Cloud Tasks and Cloud Run service users.