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Conos Walkthrough

In this tutorial, we will go over the analysis of a panel of samples using conos. Conos objects can be used to identify clusters of corresponding cells across panels of samples from similar or dissimilar sources, with different degrees of cell type overlap. Here we will identify the clusters of corresponding cells across a panel of bone marrow (BM) and cord blood (CB) by generating a joint graph with the cells from all the samples. We will then use this graph to propagate labels from a single labelled sample to other samples, and finally perform differential expression between the BM and CB samples.

First, let’s load conos library:


Loading the Data

Next we will load a previously prepared panel of four samples, which you can access directly using the package conosPanel (See the README of conos for installation details):

install.packages('conosPanel', repos='', type='source')

(Please see the drat documentation for more comprehensive explanations and vignettes regarding drat repositories.)

This panel was originally made up of 16 cord blood and bone marrow samples, but for convenience, we will here focus on a smaller subset of just four samples: two samples with are bone marrow (BM), and two samples which are cord blood (CB). Each sample has been subset to a size of exactly 3000 cells.

Note: When starting with your own panel, we recommend filtering out low-count/poor-quality/dying cells, as is standard for quality control.

panel <- conosPanel::panel

Let’s take a look at the panel. The panel is a named list of sparse matrices (type "dgCMatrix").

str(panel, 1)
## List of 4
##  $ MantonBM1_HiSeq_1:Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
##  $ MantonBM2_HiSeq_1:Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
##  $ MantonCB1_HiSeq_1:Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
##  $ MantonCB2_HiSeq_1:Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots

Before we continue, it is very important to make sure that cells in our panel are uniquely named. No two cells (even in different samples) should be named identically. In this case, the cells have been prefixed by sample id, so there will not be any collisions. However, in most cases you will have to prefix the cells before continuing.

## [1] "MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-TCTATTGGTCTCTCGT-1"
## [2] "MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GAATAAGTCACGCATA-1"
## [3] "MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-ACACCGGTCTAACTTC-1"
## [4] "MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-TCATTTGGTACGCTGC-1"
## [5] "MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-TATTACCCAAAGGAAG-1"
## [6] "MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-CGCCAAGCATCTGGTA-1"

To quickly check that the cell names are unique, we can run:

## [1] FALSE

Conos is focused on integration, and relies on either pagoda2 or Seurat to perform dataset pre-processing.

Pre-processing with pagoda2

We will generate Pagoda2 objects for poorly-expressed genes from each individual sample using the basicP2proc helper function for quick processing. As the datasets will be compared to each other, we will turn off automated dropping of low-expressed genes (using min.cells.per.gene=0), and lower the numbers of local principal components (PCs) estimated for faster processing. (For more details on pagoda2, please see the tutorial here.)

We use lapply() here as panel is a list with 4 elements (i.e. a panel of four samples).

(Note: You could run the outer loop in parallel using mclapply(), however if executed within RStudio this sometimes causes multithreading problems. Also, multiprocessing must be disabled in order to obtain exactly the same individual sample embeddings from one run to another: this can be done by using set.seed(1) and specifying n.cores=1 in the command below.)

panel.preprocessed <- lapply(panel, basicP2proc, n.cores=1, min.cells.per.gene=0, n.odgenes=2e3, get.largevis=FALSE, make.geneknn=FALSE)
## creating space of type angular done
## adding data ... done
## building index ... done
## querying ... done
## creating space of type angular done
## adding data ... done
## building index ... done
## querying ... done
## creating space of type angular done
## adding data ... done
## building index ... done
## querying ... done
## creating space of type angular done
## adding data ... done
## building index ... done
## querying ... done

Let’s look at the output of our processing: we now have a named list of pagoda2 objects, which is the starting point for the analysis with conos.

## [1] "list"
## [1] "MantonBM1_HiSeq_1" "MantonBM2_HiSeq_1" "MantonCB1_HiSeq_1"
## [4] "MantonCB2_HiSeq_1"

Pre-processing with Seurat

Alternatively with Seurat, pre-processing can be done in a similar way using an analogous basicSeuratProc helper function. If you already have a set of Seurat objects (one per dataset), you can just skip this step and feed them directly to Conos$new() as shown below.

panel.preprocessed.seurat <- lapply(panel, basicSeuratProc)

We note that sample pre-processing steps can be used to filter/adjust the data in custom ways. For instance, one can reduce the impact of the cell cycle contributions by omitting cycle-annotated genes from the matrices prior to the pre-processing. Similarly, if it is deemed appropriate, one can regress out certain signatures using standard techniques. Please see the Seurat documentation for more details.

Integrating Datasets with conos

We will now construct a Conos object for this panel of samples. At this point we haven’t calculated anything: we have just generated an object that contains the samples. At this step, we also set the n.cores parameter. Because the graph generation with conos can take advantage of parallel processing, feel free to use as many physical cores as you have available here.

con <- Conos$new(panel.preprocessed, n.cores=1)

Our original Pagoda2 (or Seurat) objects are now saved in the Conos object.

Build the Joint Graph

Next we will build the joint graph that encompasses all the samples. We do this by pairwise projecting samples onto a common space and establishing the k-nearest neighbors (kNN) of mutual nearest neighbor (mNN) pairs between the samples. We then append within-sample k-nearest neighbors to the graph to ensure that all of the cells are included in the graph:

  • We use ‘PCA’ space here which is very fast and will yield good integration in most cases.
  • CPCA space should provide more accurate alignment under greater dataset-specific distortions.
  • CCA space optimizes conservation of correlation between datasets and can give yield very good alignments in low-similarity cases (e.g. large evolutionary distances).
  • If your datasets were all measured on the same platform you may also want to consider “genes” space which can give better resolution in such (simpler) cases.

The other parameters passed to the buildGraph() function below are all default values, but are included for clarity:

con$buildGraph(k=30, k.self=5, space='PCA', ncomps=30, n.odgenes=2000, matching.method='mNN', metric='angular', score.component.variance=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
## .............

Note: As pairwise comparisons may take a while, conos will cache results for each space. If you wish to recalculate PCA (as an example) using pairings with different set of parameters (e.g. more components, different number of starting over-dispersed genes, etc.), clear the cache first by doing con$pairs$PCA <- NULL.

In the $buildGraph() invocation above, we specified score.component.variance=TRUE which estimates the amount of variance explained by successive PCs (by default this option is off to save time). We can visualize the results using:

plotComponentVariance(con, space='PCA')

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

When using the ‘angular’ distance measure (default), it is NOT recommended to reduce the number of components to a bare minimum indicated by the “elbow” inflection point----rather, please include 10-20 more (typically 30 components work well). For the ‘L2’ distance, using fewer components (i.e. at ‘elbow’ value) is sometimes better. (NOTE: Remember that if you want to recalculate projections, clear the cache for that space as detailed above, i.e. con$pairs$PCA <- NULL.)

We can now plot a panel of these samples using the clusters we have identified by examining each sample on its own. Please note that each sample has an independent set of clusters that bears no relation to clusters in other samples. For example, notice the presence (and lack thereof) of cluster 9.

con$plotPanel(clustering="multilevel", use.local.clusters=TRUE, title.size=6)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

We next use the graph we identified to get the global clusters. Here we use the Leiden community detection method to obtain clusters. Increasing the value of the resolution parameter will result in more fine-grained clusters, while decreasing it will return coarser clustering:

con$findCommunities(, resolution=1)

Plot Clusters

We can now plot the clusters we obtained. Note that the number of clusters between different samples now correspond to the same cell type.


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-15

The convenience function plotClusterBarplots can be used to examine the composition of the clusters in terms of samples (top), sample entropy (middle), and cluster size (bottom):

plotClusterBarplots(con, legend.height = 0.1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-16

Next we can check the expression pattern of a specific gene across all the individual embeddings. In this case, we investigate the expression pattern of GZMK:

con$plotPanel(gene = 'GZMK')

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-17

Note: If there are NA values in your input data, these will be plotted by default as a black "x" as opposed to a round dot if

Let's see this behavior by setting values in the panel sample MantonCB2_HiSeq_1 to NA:

## create new variable for panel.preprocessed
preprocessed_panel_example <- panel.preprocessed
## set NAs within all cell sin MantonCB2_HiSeq_1
preprocessed_panel_example$MantonCB2_HiSeq_1$clusters$PCA$multilevel <- NA
## create new Conos object
con_example <- Conos$new(panel.preprocessed, n.cores=1)
## construct joint graph
## .............
## now plot the panel with NA values as "X"
con_example$plotPanel(clustering="multilevel", use.local.clusters=TRUE, title.size=6)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-18

Notice how the NA values in the sample MantonCB2_HiSeq_1 are plotted with black "x" symbols, in contrast to the original plot generated with plotPanel() above.

This behavior is fundamentally controlled by the function embeddingPlot() within the R package sccore. When (which is the default behavior), the value of the shape parameter in ggplot2::geom_point is set to shape=4, which creates these black X symbols for NA values. For more information, please refer to the ggplot2 documentation pages on shape and geom_point, as well as ?sccore::embeddingPlot.

Generate Embedding and Visualize

Next we generated an embedding of the joint graph, and then visualize the complete joint graph. First, the embedding (whereby the default uses 'largeVis'):

## Estimating embeddings.

And now we can create the visualization:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20

Both functions $plotGraph and $plotPanel are constructed off of the main function sccore::embeddingPlot and will pass all visualization parameters to this main function. So, to get full list of the possible parameters please refer to ?sccore::embeddingPlot and the examples below.

Note: In previous versions of conos (<=1.3.1), an embedding estimation would automatically run by default with $plotGraph(), without users having to explicitly use $embedGraph(). This has changed, and $embedGraph() must be called by the user. Please see the $embedGraph function for additional embedding options.

Observe that the graph captures the population structure irrespective of the sample of origin for each cell:

con$plotGraph('sample', mark.groups=FALSE, alpha=0.1, show.legend=TRUE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

We can also visualize gene expression on this joint graph embedding, again using GZMK as an example:

con$plotGraph(gene='GZMK', title='GZMK expression')

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-22

Other community detection methods can provide a more sensitive and hierarchical view of the subpopulation structure. Here we run the igraph walktrap community detection method on the same joint graph:

con$findCommunities(method =, steps=7)

Note: We recommend using a higher number of steps (e.g. 8-10, though these calculations take much longer). Here we’ll get a lot of smaller clusters.

Note: Different clustering results are kept as a simple list under con$clusters.

Now let's visualize these new clusters:

con$plotPanel(clustering='walktrap', font.size=4)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-24

And here is the new clustering, as viewed on a joint graph:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-25

Changing embedding parameters

Conos is currently able to use two methods of graph embedding: largeVis (default) and UMAP. The UMAP embedding takes a bit longer to estimate, but will generally give a better quality of the embedding, i.e. sometimes UMAP will distinguish the slightest difference (which is not detected by either largeVis or even clustering algorithms). It is best to examine both types of embeddings.


For the description of largeVis parameters, please look at the conos::projectKNNs function. The most influential are alpha and sgd_batches. Decreasing alpha results in less compressed clusters, and increasing sgd_batches often helps to avoid cluster intersections and the spreading out of clusters. Here we take alpha to a very low value, for the sake of example:

con$embedGraph(alpha=0.001,"example_embedding", sgd_batched=1e8)  

Note that we are specifically naming this embedding with the parameter Multiple embeddings can be named and retrieved using these names. (By default, if not specified, the last embedding generated is accessed by functions which use the embedding, e.g. plotting.)

con$plotGraph(clustering='walktrap', size=0.1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-27


The UMAP embedding supports all parameters, as described in the uwot package. The two most important ones are spread and min.dist, which together control how tight the clusters are. According to the python manual:

  • min.dist: The effective minimum distance between embedded points. Smaller values will result in a more clustered/clumped embedding where nearby points on the manifold are drawn closer together, while larger values will result on a more even dispersal of points. The value should be set relative to the spread value, which determines the scale at which embedded points will be spread out.
  • spread: The effective scale of embedded points. In combination with min_dist this determines how clustered/clumped the embedded points are. There is also a parameter responsible for the trade-off between performance and accuracy:
  • min.prob.lower: minimal probability of hitting a neighbor, after which the random walk stops. Default: 1e-7.
con$embedGraph(method="UMAP", min.dist=0.01, spread=15, min.prob.lower=1e-3)
## Estimating hitting distances: 21:53:43.
## Done.
## Estimating commute distances: 21:53:51.
## Hashing adjacency list: 21:53:51.
## Done.
## Estimating distances: 21:53:54.
## Done
## Done.
## All done!: 21:53:59.
con$plotGraph(clustering='walktrap', size=0.1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-29

In the example above, the UMAP layout distinguishes many of the very small subpopulations called by walktrap apparent.

plotPanel with common embedding

Now we can use this common embedding in plotPanel as well:

con$plotPanel(clustering='walktrap', size=0.1, use.common.embedding=TRUE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-30

Exploring Hierarchical Community Structure

Walktrap clustering generates a hierarchical community structure. Let's being by taking a cut of the top dendrogram and visualizing it. Here we’ll take the 40 top clusters.

fc <- greedyModularityCut(con$clusters$walktrap$result, 40)

The cut determines a finer clustering (likely overclustering) of the dataset on its leafs:

con$plotGraph(groups=fc$groups, size=0.1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

Let’s look at the hierarchical structure of these clusters:

# fc$hc is an hclust structure ... here we will convert it to a dendrogram
dend <- as.dendrogram(fc$hc)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-33

Using Shiny Application

One way to explore this the hierarchical community structure is by using an interactive app conosViz, currently found at The app also allows users to visualize tissue composition and sample similarities.

Label Propagation

One of the uses of this graph is to propagate labels. For example, in some cases we will only have information about the cell types in one of the samples and we will want to automatically label the other samples.

We’ll load the annotation from a simple text file (first column giving the cell name, second giving the cell type), and make a named factor out of it:

cellannot <- read.table(file.path(find.package('conos'), 'extdata', 'cellannot.txt'), header=FALSE, sep='\t')
cellannot <- setNames(cellannot[,2], cellannot[,1])

Next we plot our panel with the annotations we made. This is to verify that the annotated cells are indeed in only one sample and that the other samples are unlabelled.

con$plotPanel(groups = cellannot)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-35

Next let’s propagate the labels from the one annotated sample to the other samples. <- con$propagateLabels(labels = cellannot, verbose=TRUE)
## Stop after 23 iterations. Norm: 0.0240661
## Min weight: 1.67017e-05, max weight: 0.367879, fading: (10, 0.1)

This function returns probabilities, uncertainty scores, and final labels in the dataset of each cell belonging to each group:

con$plotPanel($uncertainty, show.legend=TRUE, legend.title="Uncertainty", legend.pos=c(1, 0))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-37

con$plotPanel($labels, show.legend=FALSE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-37

##                                       T CD4-CD8-  progenitors      B cells
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GGAACTTCACTGTCGG-1 0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM2_HiSeq_1-CTGATAGAGCGTTCCG-1 2.53718e-06 3.334703e-09 8.607482e-11
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-ACTGATGGTGGTGTAG-1 0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GGACATTTCCAAACTG-1 0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-TCATTACAGACAAAGG-1 0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GATCGCGGTTGATTCG-1 0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
##                                                NK    T cyto    monocytes
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GGAACTTCACTGTCGG-1 0.0000000000 1.0000000 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM2_HiSeq_1-CTGATAGAGCGTTCCG-1 0.0003790047 0.9996182 6.740708e-14
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-ACTGATGGTGGTGTAG-1 0.0000000000 1.0000000 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GGACATTTCCAAACTG-1 1.0000000000 0.0000000 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-TCATTACAGACAAAGG-1 0.0000000000 1.0000000 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GATCGCGGTTGATTCG-1 0.0000000000 1.0000000 0.000000e+00
##                                      monomyelocytes plasma cells  dying cells
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GGAACTTCACTGTCGG-1   0.000000e+00  0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM2_HiSeq_1-CTGATAGAGCGTTCCG-1   4.607536e-08  2.17122e-11 1.738242e-07
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-ACTGATGGTGGTGTAG-1   0.000000e+00  0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GGACATTTCCAAACTG-1   0.000000e+00  0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-TCATTACAGACAAAGG-1   0.000000e+00  0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GATCGCGGTTGATTCG-1   0.000000e+00  0.00000e+00 0.000000e+00
##                                         erythroid          HSC          pDC
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GGAACTTCACTGTCGG-1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM2_HiSeq_1-CTGATAGAGCGTTCCG-1 5.069738e-10 1.127133e-10 1.093065e-12
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-ACTGATGGTGGTGTAG-1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GGACATTTCCAAACTG-1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-TCATTACAGACAAAGG-1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GATCGCGGTTGATTCG-1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
##                                                DC
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GGAACTTCACTGTCGG-1 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM2_HiSeq_1-CTGATAGAGCGTTCCG-1 1.865497e-14
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-ACTGATGGTGGTGTAG-1 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GGACATTTCCAAACTG-1 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-TCATTACAGACAAAGG-1 0.000000e+00
## MantonBM1_HiSeq_1-GATCGCGGTTGATTCG-1 0.000000e+00

Differential Expression

Cluster markers

The first step we can do to understand meaning of the dataset is to look at the cluster cell markers:

new.annot <-$labels <- con$getDifferentialGenes(groups=new.annot, append.auc=TRUE)
head($`B cells`)
##              Gene        M        Z        PValue          PAdj       AUC
## CD74         CD74 1.789081 30.80356 3.620609e-207 1.219928e-202 0.7299556
## HLA-DRA   HLA-DRA 1.979156 28.95478 3.541451e-183 1.193221e-178 0.8681325
## HLA-DPA1 HLA-DPA1 2.170884 27.27370 1.188189e-162 4.003247e-158 0.8710053
## CD79A       CD79A 2.368081 27.24539 2.570550e-162 8.660439e-158 0.9068872
## HLA-DPB1 HLA-DPB1 2.110922 27.03211 8.391264e-160 2.827017e-155 0.8721696
## HLA-DRB1 HLA-DRB1 1.948719 26.18603 5.026161e-150 1.693263e-145 0.8557757
##          Specificity Precision ExpressionFraction
## CD74       0.4629829 0.2442885          0.9971910
## HLA-DRA    0.7625913 0.4158677          0.9747191
## HLA-DPA1   0.8344894 0.4853206          0.9101124
## CD79A      0.9169311 0.6492083          0.8983146
## HLA-DPB1   0.8230977 0.4729574          0.9235955
## HLA-DRB1   0.8016386 0.4412164          0.9129213
cowplot::plot_grid(con$plotGraph(groups=new.annot), con$plotGraph(gene="CD74"))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-41

In addition, getDifferentialGenes estimates specificity, precision and expression fraction (sum expression of the gene within the cluster divided by the total expression of this gene). If the append.auc flag is set, it can estimate ROC AUC, but it can take some time. To find the most meaningful markers, it’s recommended to filter the data by some lower value for the AUC and then order the results by Z-score or precision.$monocytes %>% filter(AUC > 0.75) %>% arrange(-Precision) %>% head()
##                        Gene        M        Z        PValue          PAdj
## CD14                   CD14 3.226999 15.42978  7.996969e-53  2.685462e-48
## SERPINA1           SERPINA1 3.218886 21.05319  2.255639e-97  7.590001e-93
## RAB31                 RAB31 3.074515 13.79722  1.836815e-42  6.163985e-38
## CSTA                   CSTA 3.115659 23.84884 1.243703e-124 4.188294e-120
## FCN1                   FCN1 3.164729 26.65963 1.847622e-155 6.223716e-151
## RP11-1143G9.4 RP11-1143G9.4 2.621482 18.49146  2.243326e-75  7.541612e-71
##                     AUC Specificity Precision ExpressionFraction
## CD14          0.7691389   0.9915132 0.9076621          0.5473934
## SERPINA1      0.8829085   0.9832366 0.8807462          0.7831754
## RAB31         0.7834741   0.9844757 0.8520761          0.5835308
## CSTA          0.9103738   0.9759765 0.8488995          0.8453791
## FCN1          0.9508512   0.9707518 0.8375067          0.9312796
## RP11-1143G9.4 0.8535018   0.9764050 0.8294157          0.7316351

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-43

Or we can plot a heatmap of the top genes (top by AUC, by default)

plotDEheatmap(con,as.factor(new.annot),, n.genes.per.cluster = 5, column.metadata=list(samples=con$getDatasetPerCell()), row.label.font.size = 7)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44

Here we make a smaller heatmap, selecting a subset of cell types and showing only a hand-picked set of genes:

gns <- c("GZMB","IL32","CD3E","LYZ","HLA-DRA","IGHD","GNLY","IGHM","GZMK")
plotDEheatmap(con,new.annot,[-c(3,10)], n.genes.per.cluster = 30, column.metadata=list(samples=con$getDatasetPerCell()), row.label.font.size = 7, labeled.gene.subset = gns)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-45

Plot DE heatmaps using Leiden or walktrap clustering

Users may also utilize the other clustering methods detailed above for plotting differential expression values.

For instance, users may plot the heatmap using the Leiden community detection as follows:

con$findCommunities(method =, resolution = 1.0) <- con$getDifferentialGenes(clustering = "leiden", append.auc = TRUE, groups=con$clusters$leiden$groups)
## Estimating marker genes per sample
## Aggregating marker genes
## Estimating specificity metrics
## All done!
plotDEheatmap(con, as.factor(con$clusters$leiden$groups),, n.genes.per.cluster = 5, column.metadata=list(samples=con$getDatasetPerCell()), row.label.font.size = 7)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-46

Or users may plot with the igraph walktrap community detection method, as in this example:

con$findCommunities(method =, steps = 10) <- con$getDifferentialGenes(clustering = "walktrap", append.auc = TRUE, groups=con$clusters$walktrap$groups)
## Estimating marker genes per sample
## Aggregating marker genes
## Estimating specificity metrics
## All done!
plotDEheatmap(con, as.factor(con$clusters$walktrap$groups),, n.genes.per.cluster = 5, column.metadata=list(samples=con$getDatasetPerCell()), row.label.font.size = 7)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-47

Differential expression between sample groups

Next, given a joint clustering of cells that captures the cell relationships between samples, we can want to ask what is different between the cells of these populations between specific samples types (in this case, between CB and BM samples). Conos provides routines for users to do that.

The general approach we suggest for differential expression analysis is to first pool all the data associated with each cluster (forming a meta-cell that is analogous bulk RNA-seq measurement of the cells within each cluster), and then use standard differential expression packages (such as DESeq2 or limma) to compare these “bulk-like” meta-cell samples, using appropriate design models. In this section we show a convenience routine called getPerCellTypeDE that enables one type of comparison (same cluster, between sample groups); if however more advanced models are desired (e.g. additional model variables, etc.), the getClusterCountMatrices command can be used to obtain the meta-cell counts:

str(con$getClusterCountMatrices(), 1)
## List of 4
##  $ MantonBM1_HiSeq_1: num [1:33694, 1:11] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 42 5 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##  $ MantonBM2_HiSeq_1: num [1:33694, 1:11] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 4 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##  $ MantonCB1_HiSeq_1: num [1:33694, 1:11] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 6 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##  $ MantonCB2_HiSeq_1: num [1:33694, 1:11] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 20 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2

The list above returns a pooled count matrix for each sample, where the rows are genes and the columns are clusters. A different value for the groups parameter can be supplied.

Back to DE analysis of the cluster states between groups of samples: First we need to define our sample groups

samplegroups <- list(
  bm = c("MantonBM1_HiSeq_1","MantonBM2_HiSeq_1"),
  cb = c("MantonCB1_HiSeq_1","MantonCB2_HiSeq_1")

Simple run

We can then run differential expression between cells in these sample groups: <- getPerCellTypeDE(con, groups=as.factor(new.annot), sample.groups = samplegroups, ref.level='bm', n.cores=1)

…and examine the output:

str([1:3], 2)
## List of 3
##  $ B cells    :List of 3
##   ..$ res          :'data.frame':	15654 obs. of  6 variables:
##   ..$ cm           : num [1:33694, 1:4] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 22 1 ...
##   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ sample.groups:List of 2
##  $ DC         : logi NA
##  $ dying cells:List of 3
##   ..$ res          :'data.frame':	13627 obs. of  6 variables:
##   ..$ cm           : num [1:33694, 1:4] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 ...
##   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ sample.groups:List of 2

Let’s look at the results for the B cells:

res <-[['B cells']]$res
head(res[order(res$padj,decreasing = FALSE),])
##                baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE      stat       pvalue
## RP11-386I14.4 633.38462       3.613079 0.2969072 127.78732 1.249391e-29
## HBG2          166.84122       8.539809 1.1350814 113.51489 1.664267e-26
## IGHA1          94.25114      -6.194636 0.7613270  92.59274 6.424274e-22
## AL928768.3     86.15445      -6.442399 0.8464293  86.09567 1.714378e-20
## HBA2          432.96164       3.383313 0.3732523  71.23971 3.163558e-17
## CH17-373J23.1 434.14568       3.384284 0.3872119  66.31001 3.852979e-16
##                       padj
## RP11-386I14.4 1.955796e-25
## HBG2          1.302622e-22
## IGHA1         3.352186e-18
## AL928768.3    6.709220e-17
## HBA2          9.904469e-14
## CH17-373J23.1 1.005242e-12

Forcing Better Alignment

As can be seen from the sample distribution plot, different samples (in particular, those representing different tissues, i.e. BM or CB in our case) form separate subclusters within the clusters of major cell types. Conos allows users to force better alignment through i) adjustment of the alignment.strength parameter, and ii) through rebalancing of edge weights based on a specific factor (e.g. tissue to which the cell belongs) using the balance.edge.weights parameter.

con$buildGraph(k=15, k.self=5, alignment.strength=0.3, space='PCA', ncomps=30, n.odgenes=2000, matching.method='mNN', metric='angular', score.component.variance=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
## .......

We can re-generate the embedding and visualize the sample distribution again:

con$plotGraph('sample', mark.groups=FALSE, alpha=0.1, show.legend=TRUE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-54

We can also check the entropy, as described above:

plotClusterBarplots(con, legend.height = 0.1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-55

For more details on this topic, please see the tutorial Adjustment of Alignment Strength with conos.

View Conos in Pagoda2 Application

Users may also interactively explore Conos objects in the Pagoda2 application. The process is very similar to the pagoda2 walkthrough.

After constructing the con object as shown above, users can save to a serialized *.bin file and upload into the pagoda application with the p2app4conos() function, using p2app4conos(conos=con). For more information, please review the pagoda2 walkthrough

# library(pagoda2)
# p2app = p2app4conos(conos=con, file="conosApp1.bin", save=TRUE)
#, name='conos_app')