The goal of our project is to create a framework to make it easier for UniswapV4 hook developers to test their hooks using stateful fuzz tests.
The framework builds upon the fuzz testing capabilities of Woke, a Python package for testing Solidity smart contracts.
There is a class called V4Test
that provides common functionality that will be useful for most hook developers.
Deploy a pool manager
Deploy test tokens
Deploy a swap router
Randomized Swaps
Randomized Pool Initialization
To test a hook, the user inherits from this class and implements functionality specific to that hook.
Deploy the hook inside
Return the deployed hook inside
Implement "flows", which are calls into the public interface of the hook. Full range has two methods on its interface that need to be implemented
Define invariants that will be validated after each flow is called
For example, here are the methods implemented in the FullRange hook test.
class FullRangeTest(V4Test):
def get_hook_impl(self) -> IHooks:
# return the deployed hook
return self.impl
def _hook_deploy(self):
# deploy the hook here
def add_liquidity(self, random_add_liquidity: FullRange.AddLiquidityParams):
def remove_liquidity(self, random_remove_liquidity: FullRange.RemoveLiquidityParams):
def removal_run(self):
# all users can remove all deposits to the pool
Once this interface is implemented, the woke fuzz testing engine will run a stateful fuzz test that will call the implemented flows on the hook and the common flows (swap, initialize pool) in a randomized order, with randomized inputs.
A flow is a method that takes inputs and calls a function(s) on a smart contract that is under test. A simple example is shown below. The necessary data to call addLiquidity is passed in to the function.
def add_liquidity(self, random_add_liquidity: FullRange.AddLiquidityParams):
# this is a hook specific add liquidity method
tx = self.impl.addLiquidity(
This framework makes use of a design similar to that of Hypothesis. If the name of one of the parameters corresponds to a callable function, that function will be used to generate the random data for that parameter.
A simple example of data generation is shown below, this function chooses a random amount desired, then constrains the amount_min to ensure that amount_min <= amount_desired
class AmountInput:
amount_desired : int
amount_min : int
def random_amount_input(min : int, max:int) -> AmountInput:
# enforce that amount_min is <= amount_desired
amount_desired = random_int(min , max)
return AmountInput(amount_desired=amount_desired, amount_min=random_int(min,amount_desired))
These functions can be composed to create more expressive examples. Below, we use a function initialized_pool
that returns the key of a pool that was initialized in the PoolManager and the random_amount_input
from above to create parameters for calling the addLiquidity
method on the FullRange
def random_add_liquidity(self) -> FullRange.AddLiquidityParams:
# choose a pool that has been initialized
key = self.initialized_pool()
# random user
user = self.random_user()
amount0 = random_amount_input(min=0, max=to_wei(5, "ether"))
amount1 = random_amount_input(min=0, max=to_wei(5, "ether"))
return FullRange.AddLiquidityParams(
An invariant in woke can execute transactions itself. This can be useful for validating that a user can perform an action. For example, below is an invariant that validates that all users can remove all their liquidity from the hook. The method snapshot_and_revert
takes a snapshot before the inner section is run and then reverts all the transactions after it exits scope. In this way, this invariant doesn't modify the state of the block chain, but simply verifies that this condition holds.
def remove_all(self):
# all users can remove all liquidity
with snapshot_and_revert_fix(default_chain):
for usr, data in self.state.user_2_liquidity.items():
for pool_id, liquidity in data.pool_id_2_balance.items():
key = self._pools_keys.get(pool_id,None)
if (liquidity > 0) and (key is not None):
tx = self.impl.removeLiquidity(
Uniswap V4 Hook Testing Framework.
Recursive clone with all submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
Install woke and dependencies into a venv
pip install -r requirements
Init pytypes for solidity contracts
woke init pytypes
Run the tests
woke test