By going to a non existing website endpoint, we can get Apache version.
Apparently version
is running this website.
There is a security vulnerability documented here that affects this version. We only need a way to upload a file on the server. Since we succeed to upload a webshell in Writeup 1, part 2 via PHPMyAdmin, we could start from there once again.
SELECT 1, '<?php symlink(\"/\", \"filesystem\");?>' INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/forum/templates_c/suexec_exploit.php'
This script will exploit this vulnerability, since
symlinks and directories without querying suEXEC we'll have the ability to navigate the filesystem.
Now all we have to do is to visit /forum/templates_c/suexec_exploit.php
endpoint to perform the exploit. Then /forum/templates_c/filesystem
will be available to look through.
We now have the same result as we got with the webshell and we can follow up with Writeup 1, part 3.