- A simple "hello world" example.
- Note: Finatra examples are built in different ways depending on the branch you are in:
Run sbt from the top-level Finatra directory, e.g.
$ cd ../../
$ sbt helloWorld/run
- Then browse to: http://localhost:8888/hi?name=foo
- Or view the twitter-server admin interface: http://localhost:9990/admin
- Or build and run a deployable jar:
$ sbt helloWorld/assembly
$ java -jar -Dlog.service.output=hello-world.log -Dlog.access.output=access.log examples/hello-world/target/scala-2.11/finatra-hello-world-assembly-2.x.x-SNAPSHOT.jar -http.port=:8888 -admin.port=:9990
Note: adding the java args -Dlog.service.output
and -Dlog.access.output
is optional and they can be set to any location on disk or to /dev/stdout
or /dev/stderr
for capturing log output. When not set the logback.xml is parameterized with defaults of service.log
and access.log
, respectively.
If you're in a tagged release branch (e.g. v2.1.0)
###SBT### Run sbt from this project's directory, e.g.
$ sbt run
Or build and run a deployable jar:
$ sbt assembly
$ java -jar -Dlog.service.output=hello-world.log -Dlog.access.output=access.log target/scala-2.11/finatra-hello-world-assembly-2.1.0.jar -http.port=:8888 -admin.port=:9990
mvn clean install