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Kogito Examples Parent


This module serves as an invocation point for tests of kogito-examples repository.


Project pom defines profiles that can invoke tests for a particular delivery option. Download of artifacts is provided by means described in Module structure.

Project-sources testing

mvn clean verify \
-Dtest.type=project-sources \
-Dproject.sources.artifact=kogito-examples \

Sources-zip testing

mvn clean verify \
-Dtest.type=sources-zip \

Quickstarts-zip testing

mvn clean verify \
-Dtest.type=quickstarts-zip \

Scm-checkout testing

mvn clean verify \
-Dtest.type=scm-checkout \
-Drepository.url= \

Local-repo testing

mvn clean verify \
-Dtest.type=local-repo \

Passing system properties


Any system properties that needs to be passed to particular invoked project, and are known in advance, they can be configured to invoker-maven-plugin directly in its configuration. An example is using the -Dproductized property by default in the configuration:


Dynamic and optional system properties

If more variability is needed in terms of setting system properties for invoked build - there's an optional step that can be added to the *-test maven module build section. The following step will make sure that system properties are passed to invoked project using invoker-maven-plugin's configuration option <testPropertiesFile>.


By default, all properties passed to run-tests-with-build are passed - this can be changed by the configuration property, which is a comma-separated list of system properties that are passed (but only if they are actally passed to overall run-tests-with-build maven build). This will help you to filter out run-tests-with-build internally used properties (e.g. -Dtest.type).


Module structure

Each of sub-modules contains configuration for Maven Invoker related settings.

Download configuration of particular deliverable is provided by modules