Codes with XingAPI
from LS Securities
- xingAPI 홈페이지 ☞
- xingAPI 도움말 ☞
- xingAPI COM 개발가이드 ☞
Main Version | Component | Date | Latest | Link |
v0.311 | Current Price - T1101 2.1 | 2022.06.16 | ○ | Link |
Login 2.01 | ○ | |||
Read Account List 1.01 | ○ | |||
v0.31 | Current Price - T1101 2.0 | 2021.11.23 | Link | |
v0.301 | Current Price - T1101 1.1 | 2021.11.22 | Link | |
v0.3 | Current Price - T1101 1.0 | 2021.11.17 | Link | |
v0.2 | Read Account List 1.0 | 2021.11.10 | Link | |
v0.11 | Login 2.0 | 2021.11.09 | Link | |
v0.1 | Login 1.0 | 2021.11.08 | Link |
- Add
) fields - Get
by sliding window algorithm - Do not save the data
- Correct the syntax to declare plural variables in a line ☜ Declare Plural Variable (2022.06.04)
' Login
Private Sub btnLogin_Click()
' Enter ID, password and certificate password
Dim ID As String, pwd As String, certPwd As String
End Sub
' Request_t1101() → XAQuery_t1101_ReceiveData() → Request_t1102()
Private Sub XAQuery_t1101_ReceiveData(ByVal szTrCode As String)
' The current price and other informations
' Bid/Offer prices and volumes through an array (faster)
Dim arrHoga(22, 5) As Variant, i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
arrHoga(10 - i, 0) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "preoffercha" & i, 0) ' 직전매도대비수량 : Real에서 미제공, Public arrHoga(i, 1)에 저장하여 전달
arrHoga(9 + i, 4) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "prebidcha" & i, 0) ' 직전매수대비수량 : Real에서 미제공, Public arrHoga(i, 3)에 저장하여 전달
Next i
arrHoga(20, 1) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "offer", 0) ' 매도호가수량합
' arrHoga(20, 0) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "preoffercha", 0) ' 직전매도대비수량합 : 장종료시 엉터리값
arrHoga(20, 3) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "bid", 0) ' 매수호가수량합
' arrHoga(20, 4) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "prebidcha", 0) ' 직전매수대비수량합 : 장종료시 엉터리값
' Receiving time and note
arrHoga(21, 0) = "시간"
arrHoga(22, 0) = "비고"
arrHoga(21, 1) = Left(hotime, 2) & ":" & Mid(hotime, 3, 2) & ":" & Mid(hotime, 5, 2) ' string(8) : Real에서 미제공, 통일성을 위해 hotime(4:5) 생략
' Print on sheet
Range("G7:K29").Value = arrHoga
arrHoga0 = arrHoga ' arrHoga - arrHoga0 를 구하는 데 이용
End Sub
' XAQuery_t1102_ReceiveData() → XAReal_S3/H1_ReceiveRealData() or XAReal_K3/HA_ReceiveRealData() ②
Private Sub XAReal_H1__ReceiveRealData(ByVal szTrCode As String)
' Bid/Offer prices and volumes through an array (faster)
Dim arrHoga(22, 5) As Variant, i As Integer
' Debug.Print XAReal_H1_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "offerho" & 1) & " " & arrHoga0(9, 2) ' OK
If XAReal_H1_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "offerho" & 1) = arrHoga0(9, 2) Then ' 호가 변동이 없다면
For i = 1 To 10
arrHoga(10 - i, 0) = arrHoga(10 - i, 1) - arrHoga0(10 - i, 1) ' 직전매도대비수량 : Real에서 미제공, Public arrHoga(i, 1)에 저장하여 전달
arrHoga(9 + i, 4) = arrHoga(9 + i, 3) - arrHoga0(9 + i, 3) ' 직전매수대비수량 : Real에서 미제공, Public arrHoga(i, 3)에 저장하여 전달
Next i
Else ' 호가 변동이 있다면 : arrHoga - arrHoga0를 이용한 직전매도/매수대비수량 계산값 의미 없음
For i = 1 To 10
arrHoga(10 - i, 0) = 0 ' 직전매도대비수량 : 0 (임시)
arrHoga(9 + i, 4) = 0 ' 직전매수대비수량 : 0 (임시)
Next i
End If
arrHoga(20, 1) = XAReal_H1_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "totofferrem") ' 매도호가수량합
arrHoga(20, 0) = arrHoga(20, 1) - arrHoga0(20, 1) ' 직전매도대비수량 : Real에서 미제공, Public arrHoga(20, 1)에 저장하여 전달
arrHoga(20, 3) = XAReal_H1_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "totbidrem") ' 매수호가수량합
arrHoga(20, 4) = arrHoga(20, 3) - arrHoga0(20, 3) ' 직전매수대비수량 : Real에서 미제공, Public arrHoga(20, 3)에 저장하여 전달
' Receiving time and note
arrHoga(21, 0) = "시간"
arrHoga(22, 0) = "비고"
arrHoga(21, 1) = Left(hotime, 2) & ":" & Mid(hotime, 3, 2) & ":" & Mid(hotime, 5, 2) ' string(8) : Real에서 미제공, 통일성을 위해 hotime(4:5) 생략
' Print on sheet
Range("G7:K29").Value = arrHoga
arrHoga0 = arrHoga ' arrHoga - arrHoga0 를 구하는 데 이용
End Sub
' XAQuery_t1102_ReceiveData() → XAReal_S3/H1_ReceiveRealData() or XAReal_K3/HA_ReceiveRealData() ④
Private Sub XAReal_HA__ReceiveRealData(ByVal szTrCode As String)
' …… simmilar with XAReal_H1__ReceiveRealData() ……
End Sub
- Call real time data through
- Determine if the market category is KOSPI or KOSDAQ by
- Consistentize data from
with real time data
- Skip the outblock fields of직전매도대비수량
- Change the time expression toHH:MM:SS
by skipping the last two digits
Dim WithEvents XAQuery_t1101 As XAQuery ' t1101 : 주식 현재가 호가 조회
Dim WithEvents XAQuery_t1102 As XAQuery ' t1102 : 주식 현재가(시세) 조회 (※ 시장 구분)
Dim WithEvents XAReal_S3_ As XAReal ' S3 : KOSPI체결
Dim WithEvents XAReal_H1_ As XAReal ' H1 : KOSPI호가잔량
Dim WithEvents XAReal_K3_ As XAReal ' K3 : KOSDAQ체결
Dim WithEvents XAReal_HA_ As XAReal ' HA : KOSDAQ호가잔량
' T1101 : Current Price with XAReal
' Request_t1101() → XAQuery_t1101_ReceiveData()
Private Sub Request_t1101()
' Reset cells on the excel sheet
Range("H3:I3") = ""
Range("G5:K5") = ""
Range("G7:K26") = ""
Range("H27") = ""
' Reset the formerly loaded XAReal objects
If Not (XAReal_S3_ Is Nothing) Then Call XAReal_S3_.UnadviseRealData
If Not (XAReal_H1_ Is Nothing) Then Call XAReal_H1_.UnadviseRealData
If Not (XAReal_K3_ Is Nothing) Then Call XAReal_K3_.UnadviseRealData
If Not (XAReal_HA_ Is Nothing) Then Call XAReal_HA_.UnadviseRealData
' Initialize a XAQuery object
If XAQuery_t1101 Is Nothing Then
Set XAQuery_t1101 = CreateObject("XA_DataSet.XAQuery") ' set XAQuery object
XAQuery_t1101.ResFileName = "c:\\eBEST\xingAPI\Res\t1101.res" ' call related .res file
End If
' Read the stock hashcode
Dim shcode As String
shcode = Range("G3").Value
Call XAQuery_t1101.SetFieldData("t1101InBlock", "shcode", 0, shcode) ' 0 : nOccursIndex, '0' 고정
If XAQuery_t1101.Request(False) < 0 Then
Range("H27") = "전송 오류"
End If
End Sub
' Request_t1101() → XAQuery_t1101_ReceiveData() → Request_t1102()
Private Sub XAQuery_t1101_ReceiveData(ByVal szTrCode As String)
' The current price and other informations
Range("H3") = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "hname", 0) ' 종목명
Range("G5") = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "price", 0) ' 현재가
Dim sSign As String
sSign = GetSign(XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "sign", 0)) ' 전일대비구분 (※ 별도 함수 GetSign() 정의 필요)
Range("I5") = sSign & XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "change", 0) ' 전일대비
Range("J5") = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "diff", 0) / 100 ' 등락률
Range("K5") = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "volume", 0) ' (당일)누적거래량
' Bid/Offer prices and volumes through an array (faster)
Dim arrHoga(20, 5), i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
arrHoga(10 - i, 2) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "offerho" & i, 0) ' 매도호가
arrHoga(10 - i, 1) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "offerrem" & i, 0) ' 매도호가수량
' arrHoga(10 - i, 0) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "preoffercha" & i, 0) ' 직전매도대비수량 : Real에서 미제공, 통일성을 위해 생략
arrHoga(9 + i, 2) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "bidho" & i, 0) ' 매수호가
arrHoga(9 + i, 3) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "bidrem" & i, 0) ' 매수호가수량
' arrHoga(9 + i, 4) = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "prebidcha" & i, 0) ' 직전매수대비수량 : Real에서 미제공, 통일성을 위해 생략
Next i
Range("G7:K26").Value = arrHoga
' Receiving time
Dim hotime As String
hotime = XAQuery_t1101.GetFieldData("t1101OutBlock", "hotime", 0)
Range("H27") = Left(hotime, 2) & ":" & Mid(hotime, 3, 2) & ":" & Mid(hotime, 5, 2) ' string(8) : Real에서 미제공, 통일성을 위해 [6~7] 생략
Call Request_t1102
End Sub
' T1102 : Get the Market Categoty among KOSPI / KOSPI200 / KOSPI DR / KOSDAQ50 / KOSDAQ / CB
' XAQuery_t1101_ReceiveData() → Request_t1102() → XAQuery_t1102_ReceiveData()
Private Sub Request_t1102()
If XAQuery_t1102 Is Nothing Then
Set XAQuery_t1102 = CreateObject("XA_DataSet.XAQuery")
XAQuery_t1102.ResFileName = "c:\\eBEST\xingAPI\Res\t1102.res"
End If
Dim shcode As String
shcode = Range("G3").Value
Call XAQuery_t1102.SetFieldData("t1102InBlock", "shcode", 0, shcode)
If XAQuery_t1102.Request(False) < 0 Then
Range("H27") = "전송 오류(t1102)"
End If
End Sub
' Request_t1102() → XAQuery_t1102_ReceiveData() → XAReal_S3/H1_ReceiveRealData() or XAReal_K3/HA_ReceiveRealData()
Private Sub XAQuery_t1102_ReceiveData(ByVal szTrCode As String)
' Find the market category
Dim janginfo As String
janginfo = XAQuery_t1102.GetFieldData("t1102OutBlock", "janginfo", 0) ' 장구분 : from t1102, string(10)
Range("I3") = janginfo
' Determine if the market is KOSPI or KOSDAQ
If Left(janginfo, 5) = "KOSPI" Then
If XAReal_S3_ Is Nothing Then
Set XAReal_S3_ = CreateObject("XA_DataSet.XAReal")
XAReal_S3_.ResFileName = "c:\\eBEST\xingAPI\Res\S3_.res"
End If
Call XAReal_S3_.SetFieldData("InBlock", "shcode", Range("G3").Text)
Call XAReal_S3_.AdviseRealData
If XAReal_H1_ Is Nothing Then
Set XAReal_H1_ = CreateObject("XA_DataSet.XAReal")
XAReal_H1_.ResFileName = "c:\\eBEST\xingAPI\Res\H1_.res"
End If
Call XAReal_H1_.SetFieldData("InBlock", "shcode", Range("G3").Text)
Call XAReal_H1_.AdviseRealData
ElseIf Left(janginfo, 6) = "KOSDAQ" Then
If XAReal_K3_ Is Nothing Then
Set XAReal_K3_ = CreateObject("XA_DataSet.XAReal")
XAReal_K3_.ResFileName = "c:\\eBEST\xingAPI\Res\K3_.res"
End If
Call XAReal_K3_.SetFieldData("InBlock", "shcode", Range("G3").Text)
Call XAReal_K3_.AdviseRealData
If XAReal_HA_ Is Nothing Then
Set XAReal_HA_ = CreateObject("XA_DataSet.XAReal")
XAReal_HA_.ResFileName = "c:\\eBEST\xingAPI\Res\HA_.res"
End If
Call XAReal_HA_.SetFieldData("InBlock", "shcode", Range("G3").Text)
Call XAReal_HA_.AdviseRealData
Else ' Else case : "CB"
Range("H27") = "CB 종목의 Real Data 수신이 불가합니다."
End If
End Sub
' XAQuery_t1102_ReceiveData() → XAReal_S3/H1_ReceiveRealData() or XAReal_K3/HA_ReceiveRealData() ①
Private Sub XAReal_S3__ReceiveRealData(ByVal szTrCode As String)
' The current price and other informations
Range("G5") = XAReal_S3_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "price") ' 현재가
Dim sSign As String
sSign = GetSign(XAReal_S3_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "sign")) ' 전일대비구분 (※ 별도 함수 GetSign() 정의 필요)
Range("I5") = sSign & XAReal_S3_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "change") ' 전일대비
Range("J5") = XAReal_S3_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "drate") / 100 ' 등락률 : not "diff"
Range("K5") = XAReal_S3_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "volume") ' (당일)누적거래량
End Sub
' XAQuery_t1102_ReceiveData() → XAReal_S3/H1_ReceiveRealData() or XAReal_K3/HA_ReceiveRealData() ②
Private Sub XAReal_H1__ReceiveRealData(ByVal szTrCode As String)
' Bid/Offer prices and volumes through an array (faster)
Dim arrHoga(20, 5), i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
arrHoga(10 - i, 2) = XAReal_H1_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "offerho" & i) ' 매도호가
arrHoga(10 - i, 1) = XAReal_H1_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "offerrem" & i) ' 매도호가수량
arrHoga(9 + i, 2) = XAReal_H1_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "bidho" & i) ' 매수호가
arrHoga(9 + i, 3) = XAReal_H1_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "bidrem" & i) ' 매수호가수량
Next i
Range("G7:K26").Value = arrHoga
' Receiving time
Dim hotime As String
hotime = XAReal_H1_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "hotime")
Range("H27") = Left(hotime, 2) & ":" & Mid(hotime, 3, 2) & ":" & Mid(hotime, 5, 2) ' string(6)
End Sub
' XAQuery_t1102_ReceiveData() → XAReal_S3/H1_ReceiveRealData() or XAReal_K3/HA_ReceiveRealData() ③
Private Sub XAReal_K3__ReceiveRealData(ByVal szTrCode As String)
' The current price and other informations
Range("G5") = XAReal_K3_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "price") ' 현재가
Dim sSign As String
sSign = GetSign(XAReal_K3_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "sign")) ' 전일대비구분 (※ 별도 함수 GetSign() 정의 필요)
Range("I5") = sSign & XAReal_K3_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "change") ' 전일대비
Range("J5") = XAReal_K3_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "drate") / 100 ' 등락률 : not "diff"
Range("K5") = XAReal_K3_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "volume") ' (당일)누적거래량
End Sub
' XAQuery_t1102_ReceiveData() → XAReal_S3/H1_ReceiveRealData() or XAReal_K3/HA_ReceiveRealData() ④
Private Sub XAReal_HA__ReceiveRealData(ByVal szTrCode As String)
' Bid/Offer prices and volumes through an array (faster)
Dim arrHoga(20, 5), i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
arrHoga(10 - i, 2) = XAReal_HA_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "offerho" & i) ' 매도호가
arrHoga(10 - i, 1) = XAReal_HA_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "offerrem" & i) ' 매도호가수량
arrHoga(9 + i, 2) = XAReal_HA_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "bidho" & i) ' 매수호가
arrHoga(9 + i, 3) = XAReal_HA_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "bidrem" & i) ' 매수호가수량
Next i
Range("G7:K26").Value = arrHoga
' Receiving time
Dim hotime As String
hotime = XAReal_HA_.GetFieldData("Outblock", "hotime")
Range("H27") = Left(hotime, 2) & ":" & Mid(hotime, 3, 2) & ":" & Mid(hotime, 5, 2) ' string(6)
End Sub
' Used in XAQuery_t1101_ReceiveData(), XAReal_S3_ReceiveRealData(), XAReal_K3_ReceiveRealData()
Private Function GetSign(ByVal sSign As String)
Select Case sSign
Case "1"
GetSign = "↑"
Case "2"
GetSign = "▲"
Case "4"
GetSign = "↓"
Case "5"
GetSign = "▼"
Case Else
GetSign = ""
End Select
End Function
' Watch changes on the Excel sheet
' Worksheet_Change() → btnRequestT1101_Click()
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Range("G3"), Target) Is Nothing Then
' If Target.Range("G3") Is changed Then ' doesn't work well
Call btnRequestT1101_Click
End If
End Sub
' Run when btnRequestT1101 is clicked
' Worksheet_Change() → btnRequestT1101_Click() → Request_t1101()
Private Sub btnRequestT1101_Click()
Call Request_t1101
End Sub
- Advanced from T1101 1.0 (2021.11.17)
- Add the market category of a stock through
- Load bid/offer data into an array
- Imporve the time expression (
) - Skip
(※ including all the previously uploaded codes)
- Read a stock's current price information (t1101)
- Read account list with using
- ※ Skip
Dim WithEvents XASession_Account As XASession
' Read the account list
Private Sub btnReadAccounts_Click()
' Initialize account list table
Range("a9:b9") = ""
Range("A11:E30") = ""
Set XASession_Account = CreateObject("XA_Session.XASession")
Dim nCnt As Integer, i As Integer, szAcct As String
nCnt = XASession_Account.GetAccountListCount() ' start from 0
' Output
Cells(9, 1) = XASession_Account.GetServerName()
Cells(9, 2) = nCnt
For i = 0 To nCnt - 1
szAcct = XASession_Account.GetAccountList(i) ' get each account number
Cells(11 + i, 1) = i + 1
Cells(11 + i, 2) = szAcct
Cells(11 + i, 3) = XASession_Account.GetAccountName(szAcct)
Cells(11 + i, 4) = XASession_Account.GetAcctDetailName(szAcct) ' get account type
Cells(11 + i, 5) = XASession_Account.GetAcctNickname(szAcct)
If i >= 10 Then
Cells(11 + i + 1, 2) = "계좌 수가 " & i & "개를 초과하였습니다."
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
- Advanced from Login 1.0 (2021.11.08)
- Enter login information on the Excel sheet, not on the
- Can choose server type
- ※ Skip
Option Explicit ' Generate a compile-time error
Dim WithEvents XASession_Login As XASession ' must be declared in the Excel object
' Login
Private Sub btnLogin_Click()
' Initialize status cells
Cells(5, 2) = "" ' .Clear : clear even cell form
Cells(6, 2) = ""
' Determine server type
Dim server As String
If Cells(1, 2).Value = "실서버" Then
server = ""
ElseIf Cells(1, 2).Value = "모의투자" Then
server = ""
Cells(6, 2) = "서버를 지정해주세요 : 실서버 / 모의투자"
Exit Sub
End If
Set XASession_Login = CreateObject("XA_Session.XASession")
' Connect server
If XASession_Login.ConnectServer(server, 0) = False Then
Cells(5, 2) = "서버 접속 실패"
Cells(5, 2) = "서버 접속 성공"
End If
' Enter ID, password and certificate password
Dim ID, pwd, certPwd As String
ID = Cells(2, 2).Value
pwd = Cells(3, 2).Value
certPwd = Cells(4, 2).Value
' Send login information
If XASession_Login.Login(ID, pwd, certPwd, 0, False) = False Then
Cells(5, 2) = "로그인정보 전송 실패"
Cells(5, 2) = "로그인정보 전송 성공"
End If
End Sub
' Check the result of login
Private Sub XASession_Login_Login(ByVal szCode As String, ByVal szMsg As String)
Cells(6, 2) = szCode & " : " & szMsg
End Sub
- The 1st trial to build login process into
in VBA