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Design credit ❤️ ThemeShef

kingtodo is a simple simple application created with Laravel and vujs that allows you to add todos, edit todos, delete todos and also mark todo as completed and dragging and sorting.

Application Version: 1.1.0
Laravel Version: 5.5
Vuejs Version: 2.5.7


Table of contents

1. Grab the project files

Clone this repository first-

git clone

Then navigate to kingtodo directiry

cd kingtodo

2. Install dependencies

There are two type of dependencies here, php composer and npm

Install composer dependencies

composer install

Now, install npm dependencies

npm install

3. Configure Database

You need to put your database connection access information in .env file. But you will not find any .env file in the project directory, you will see a similar file in the direcoty named .env.example. It's an example boilarplate file for .env.

Now you need to duplicated this file and rename it to .env. You can do this menually.

Or you can duplicate it by terminal-

Duplicate .env.example file to .env file to create a environment file-

cp .env.example .env

Generate a application key

php artisan key:generate

Edit .env file with with your database credential.


Now push kingtodo's database tables by running this command

php artisan migrate

4. Import Demo data (optional)

Run seeder command , if you want to import 50 demo todos

php artisan db:seed

5. Run server

php artisan serve

Now you can see the application at http://localhost:8000

To compile all changes , run npm watcher

npm run watch

Have any question?

Open a issue to do any query or submit any bug.
