How Positive Are You: Text Style Transfer using Adaptive Style Embedding(COLING 2020)
Model description
Whole model architecture consists of two module
Auto-encoder based on Transformer
Transformer is trained by reconstruction loss (Cross-entropy)
Especially, decoder's input is (encoder's latent vector + style embedding).
Possible combination: (positive sentence-positive embedding, negative sentence-negative embedding)
Style embedding module
Style embedding module is trained by classification loss
Style embedding vector is trained by similarities with encoder's latent vector
python 3.7.3
torch 1.4.0
numpy 1.18.1
nltk 3.4.4
In this paper, "Yelp" and "Amazon" dataset are used.
nltk is used for tokenization.
Run the processing file in each dataset folder.
Run below code for training from scartch
Transformer # layers: 2-layers
Transforemr embedding, latent, model size: 256
Style embedding size: 256
Run the file.
Beam search is used
--weight : Hyper-parameter, it controls the style strength (0<=weight, if weight==0 then reconstruction is performed)
python --weight 9.0
Accuracy, BLEU score, Perplexity are used to evaluate.
For calcualte perpexity, download "SRILM"
After that modify the path in the "" file.
HUMAN_FILE=~/path of human_yelp file`
SOURCE_FILE=~/path of sentiment.test file`
PPL_PATH=~/path of srilm `
ACC_PATH=~/path of file`
For yelp, run the below code.
To improve the PPL scores, I've tried a lot of options.
Below two options are meaningful (Performance comparison table below).
Using these options improves the PPL score, but slightly degrades style transfer performance (See the example table below).
Using the pre-trained word embeddings from GPT-2 (called as PE)
Fluency is reflected by PPL score.
The low PPL score means low fluency performance.
Therefore, to inhance the fluency, use the pre-trained word embeddings.
i've used
GPT2Model setting is added in file
from transformers import GPT2Model gpt = GPT2Model.from_pretrained('gpt2') pre = gpt.get_input_embeddings() share_embedding = Embeddings(d_model, d_vocab) share_embedding.weight = nn.Parameter(pre.weight)
If pre-trained word embeddings is used, training is done after 1 or 2 epochs (less than 5 epochs).
Also, PPL score is emproved.
Pre-Layer normalization & Layer normalization to style embedding module (called as LN)
Pre-layer normalization boosts the speed of training
Encoder & Decoder class is modified in file
def forward(self, x, mask): for layer in self.layers: x=self.norm(x) x=layer(x, memory, src_mask, tgt_mask) return self.norm(x)
Style embedding using layer normalization
If you tried layer normalization on style embedding, the weight parameter's scale is changed.
StyleEmbeddings class is modified in file
def __init__(self, n_style, d_style): super(StyleEmbeddings, self).__init__() self.lut=nn.Embedding(n_style, d_style) self.norm=LayerNorm(d_style) def forward(self, x): return self.norm(self.lut(x))