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Lokomotive AWS configuration reference



This configuration reference provides information on configuring a Lokomotive cluster on AWS with all the configuration options available to the user.



To create a Lokomotive cluster, we need to define a configuration.

Example configuration file:

variable "dns_zone" {}
variable "route53_zone_id" {}
variable "ssh_public_keys" {}
variable "state_s3_bucket" {}
variable "lock_dynamodb_table" {}
variable "asset_dir" {}
variable "cluster_name" {}
variable "controllers_count" {}
variable "workers_count" {}
variable "state_s3_key" {}
variable "state_s3_region" {}
variable "workers_type" {}
variable "controller_clc_snippets" {}
variable "worker_clc_snippets" {}
variable "region" {}
variable "disk_size" {}
variable "disk_type" {}
variable "disk_iops" {}
variable "worker_disk_size" {}
variable "worker_disk_type" {}
variable "worker_disk_iops" {}
variable "worker_spot_price" {}
variable "target_groups" {}

backend "s3" {
  bucket         = var.state_s3_bucket
  key            = var.state_s3_key
  region         = var.state_s3_region
  dynamodb_table = var.lock_dynamodb_table

# backed "local" {
#   path = "path/to/local/file"

cluster "aws" {
  asset_dir = var.asset_dir

  cluster_name = var.cluster_name

  controller_count = var.controllers_count

  controller_type = var.controller_type

  os_channel = "stable"

  os_version = "current"

  tags {
    key1 = "value1"
    key2 = "value2"

  dns_zone = var.dns_zone

  dns_zone_id = route53_zone_id

  ssh_pubkeys = var.ssh_public_keys

  certs_validity_period_hours = 8760

  controller_clc_snippets = var.controller_clc_snippets

  region = var.region

  enable_aggreation = true

  disk_size = var.disk_size

  disk_type = var.disk_type

  disk_iops = var.disk_iops

  network_mtu = 1480

  host_cidr = ""

  pod_cidr = ""

  service_cidr = ""

  cluster_domain_suffix = "cluster.local"

  enable_reporting = false

  worker_pool "my-worker-pool" {
    count = 2

    instance_type = var.workers_type

    ssh_pubkeys = var.ssh_public_keys

    os_channel = "stable"

    os_version = "current"

    disk_size = var.worker_disk_size

    disk_type = var.worker_disk_type

    disk_iops = var.worker_disk_iops

    spot_price = var.worker_spot_price

    target_groups = var.target_groups

    clc_snippets = var.worker_clc_snippets

    tags = {
      "key" = "value"

NOTE: Should you feel differently about the default values, you can set default values using the variable block in the cluster configuration.


The default for instance_type in worker pool block is t3.small. If you wish to change the default, then you define the variable and use it to refer in the cluster configuration.

variable "custom_worker_type" {
  default = "i3.large"

worker_pool "my-worker-pool" {
  worker_type = var.custom_worker_type

Attribute reference

Argument Description Default Required
asset_dir Location where Lokomotive stores cluster assets. - true
cluster_name Name of the cluster. NOTE: It must be unique per DNS Zone and region. - true
tags Optional details to tag on AWS resources. - false
os_channel Flatcar Container Linux AMI channel to install from (stable, beta, alpha, edge). "stable" false
os_version Flatcar Container Linux version to install. Version such as "2303.3.1" or "current". "current" false
dns_zone Route 53 DNS Zone. - true
dns_zone_id Route 53 DNS Zone ID. - true
ssh_pubkeys SSH public keys for user core. - true
controller_count Number of controller nodes. 1 false
controller_type AWS instance type for controllers. "t3.small" false
controller_clc_snippets Controller Flatcar Container Linux Config snippets. [] false
region AWS region to use for deploying the cluster. "eu-central-1" false
enable_aggregation Enable the Kubernetes Aggregation Layer. true false
disk_size Size of the EBS volume in GB. 40 false
disk_type Type of the EBS volume (e.g. standard, gp2, io1). "gp2" false
disk_iops IOPS of the EBS volume (e.g 100). 0 false
network_mtu CNI interface MTU. Use 8981 if using instances types with Jumbo frames. 1480 false
host_cidr CIDR IPv4 range to assign to EC2 nodes. "" false
pod_cidr CIDR IPv4 range to assign Kubernetes pods. "" false
service_cidr CIDR IPv4 range to assign Kubernetes services. "" false
cluster_domain_suffix Cluster's DNS domain. "cluster.local" false
enable_reporting Enables usage or analytics reporting to upstream. false false
certs_validity_period_hours Validity of all the certificates in hours. 8760 false
worker_pool Configuration block for worker pools. There can be more than one. NOTE: worker pool name must be unique per DNS zone and region. - true
worker_pool.count Number of workers in the worker pool. Can be changed afterwards to add or delete workers. - true
worker_pool.instance_type AWS instance type for worker nodes. "t3.small" false
worker_pool.ssh_pubkeys SSH public keys for user core. - true
worker_pool.os_channel Flatcar Container Linux channel to install from (stable, beta, alpha, edge). "stable" false
worker_pool.os_version Flatcar Container Linux version to install. Version such as "2303.3.1" or "current". "current" false
worker_pool.disk_size Size of the EBS volume in GB. 40 false
worker_pool.disk_type Type of the EBS volume (e.g. standard, gp2, io1). "gp2" false
worker_pool.disk_iops IOPS of the EBS volume (e.g 100). 0 false
worker_pool.spot_price Spot price in USD for autoscaling group spot instances. Leave as empty string for autoscaling group to use on-demand instances. Switching in-place from spot to on-demand is not possible. "" false
worker_pool.target_groups Additional target group ARNs to which worker instances should be added. [] false
worker_pool.clc_snippets CWorker Flatcar Container Linux Config snippets. [] false
worker_pool.tags Optional details to tag on AWS resources. - false


To create the cluster, execute the following command:

lokoctl cluster apply


To destroy the Lokomotive cluster, execute the following command:

lokoctl cluster destroy --confirm