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Prometheus Operator configuration reference for Lokomotive



The Prometheus Operator for Kubernetes provides easy monitoring definitions for Kubernetes services and deployment and management of Prometheus instances.



Prometheus Operator component configuration example:

component "prometheus-operator" {
  namespace = "monitoring"

  grafana {
    admin_password = "foobar"
    secret_env = { # This might contain sensitive information, declare a variable and define this in `lokocfg.vars`.
      "KEY" = "VERY_SECRET"
    ingress {
      host                       = ""
      class                      = "contour"
      certmanager_cluster_issuer = "letsencrypt-production"

  prometheus_metrics_retention = "14d"
  prometheus_external_url      = ""
  prometheus_node_selector = {
    "" = "worker3"

  alertmanager_retention    = "360h"
  alertmanager_external_url = ""
  alertmanager_config       = file("alertmanager-config.yaml")
  alertmanager_node_selector = {
    "" = "worker3"

Create alertmanager-config.yaml file if necessary. Visit the alertmanager configuration for more information.

Note: Make sure the whole file is indented two spaces. That is, there are two spaces before the top level block.

      resolve_timeout: 5m
      - job
      group_wait: 30s
      group_interval: 5m
      repeat_interval: 12h
      receiver: 'null'
      - match:
          alertname: Watchdog
        receiver: 'null'
    - name: 'null'

NOTE: Ensure the file alertmanager_config.yaml is added to .gitignore to avoid any accidental exposure of sensitive data. Alternatively you can store the alertmanager configuration in lokocfg.vars as below:

alertmanager_config = <<EOF
      resolve_timeout: 5m
      - job
      group_wait: 30s
      group_interval: 5m
      repeat_interval: 12h
      receiver: 'null'
      - match:
          alertname: Watchdog
        receiver: 'null'
    - name: 'null'

Attribute reference

Table of all the arguments accepted by the component.


Argument Description Default Required
namespace Namespace to deploy the Prometheus Operator. monitoring false
grafana.admin_password Password for admin user in Grafana. If not provided it is auto generated and stored in secret prometheus-operator-grafana. - false
grafana.secret_env Sensitive environment variables passed to Grafana pod and stored as secret. Read more on manipulating grafana.ini using env var here. - false Ingress URL host to expose Grafana over the internet. NOTE: When running on Packet, a DNS entry pointing at the ingress controller needs to be created. - true
grafana.ingress.class Ingress class to use for Grafana ingress. contour false
grafana.ingress.certmanager_cluster_issuer ClusterIssuer to be used by cert-manager while issuing TLS certificates. Supported values: letsencrypt-production, letsencrypt-staging. letsencrypt-production false
prometheus_operator_node_selector Node selector to specify nodes where the Prometheus Operator pods should be deployed. {} false
prometheus_metrics_retention Time duration Prometheus shall retain data for. Must match the regular expression [0-9]+(ms|s|m|h|d|w|y) (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and years). 10d false
prometheus_external_url The external URL Prometheus instances will be available under. This is necessary to generate correct URLs. This is necessary if Prometheus is not served from root of a DNS name. "" false
prometheus_node_selector Node selector to specify nodes where the Prometheus pods should be deployed. {} false
prometheus_storage_size Storage capacity for the Prometheus in bytes. You can express storage as a fixed-point integer using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K. You can also use the power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki. "50Gi" false
watch_labeled_service_monitors By default prometheus operator watches only the ServiceMonitor objects in the cluster that are labeled release: prometheus-operator. If set to false then all the ServiceMonitors will be watched. true false
watch_labeled_prometheus_rules By default prometheus operator watches only the PrometheusRule objects in the cluster that are labeled release: prometheus-operator and app: prometheus-operator. If set to false then all the PrometheusRule will be watched. true false
alertmanager_retention Time duration Alertmanager shall retain data for. Must match the regular expression [0-9]+(ms|s|m|h) (milliseconds, seconds, minutes and hours). 120h false
alertmanager_external_url The external URL the Alertmanager instances will be available under. This is necessary to generate correct URLs. This is necessary if Alertmanager is not served from root of a DNS name. "" false
alertmanager_config Provide YAML file path to configure Alertmanager. See {"global":{"resolve_timeout":"5m"},"route":{"group_by":["job"],"group_wait":"30s","group_interval":"5m","repeat_interval":"12h","receiver":"null","routes":[{"match":{"alertname":"Watchdog"},"receiver":"null"}]},"receivers":[{"name":"null"}]} false
alertmanager_node_selector Node selector to specify nodes where the AlertManager pods should be deployed. {} false
alertmanager_storage_size Storage capacity for the Alertmanager in bytes. You can express storage as a fixed-point integer using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K. You can also use the power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki. "50Gi" false
disable_webhooks Disables validation and mutation webhooks. This might be required on older versions of Kubernetes to install successfully. false false
monitor Block, which allows to disable scraping of individual Kubernetes components. - false
monitor.etcd Controls if the default Prometheus instance should scrape etcd metrics. true false
monitor.kube_controller_manager Controls if the default Prometheus instance should scrape kube-controller-manager metrics. true false
monitor.kube_scheduler Controls if the default Prometheus instance should scrape kube-scheduler metrics. true false
monitor.kube_proxy Controls if the default Prometheus instance should scrape kube-proxy metrics. true false
monitor.kubelet Controls if the default Prometheus instance should scrape kubelet metrics. true false
coredns Block, which allows to customize, how CoreDNS is scraped. - false
coredns.selector Defines, how CoreDNS pods should be selected for scraping. {"k8s-app":"coredns","tier":"control-plane"} false
storage_class Storage Class to use for the storage allowed for Prometheus and Alertmanager. - false


To apply the Prometheus Operator component:

lokoctl component apply prometheus-operator


To start monitoring your applications running on Kubernetes. Just create a ServiceMonitor object in that namespace which looks like following:

kind: ServiceMonitor
    app: openebs
  name: openebs
  namespace: openebs
  - path: /metrics
    port: exporter
    - openebs
    matchLabels: cstor

Change the labels, endpoints, namespaceSelector, selector fields as you need. To learn more about basics of ServiceMonitor read the docs here and the API Reference can be found here.


To destroy the component:

lokoctl component delete prometheus-operator --delete-namespace